Page 9 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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                   Liesel Kassier, Head   new generation capacity and   South Africa’s progress in   1.  What solutions and     first industries to be affected.
                    of Sustainable    reducing the severe limitations   achieving a reliable and efficient      innovations can provide    However, the tax is expected
                     Manufacturing,   in transmission grid capacity.    transmission system necessary      me with energy security and    to soon be extended to other
                      Toyota Wessels   The limitations in the grid have   for its energy goals.      the most cost-effective rates?    sectors, with the expansion
                      Institute for   become a significant obstacle
                        Manufacturing                                The combination of generation      (Prioritise a mix of hybrid    plans already in progress.
                        Studies       that hampers South Africa’s   and grid capacity constraints      onsite generation         Trade & Industrial Policy
                         (TWIMS)      attempts to bridge the current   highlights that time will be   2.  Are there cost-hedging    Strategies (TIPS) 2022
                                      supply gap and propel the
                        N      o      country’s energy transition   needed to restore the South        opportunities or new     indicates that South African
                                                                    African power system fully,
                                                                                                                                manufacturing exports have
                                      forward. The most recent
                                                                                                     revenue streams to be
                                                                    reiterating the need for
                                                                                                                                a carbon content of around
                                      Plan (TDP) presented by Eskom
                         South        Transmission Development      businesses to have a plan.         developed from diversifying    2250 tCO2e per $1m, while
                                                                                                     my energy supply mix?
                         African has   emphasises the need to install   The Silent Revolution                                   most countries sit between
                         been left    14,218 km of new high voltage   According to recent statistics   3.  Can the current energy crisis    300 and 1,100 tCO2e per $1m.
                         unscathed    transmission lines, 106 GVA                                    be used to decarbonise my    The current European carbon
        by the blight of load shedding,   of transformer capacity, 40   released by the South African      energy source and allow me    pricing tax is around €85 per
        nor needs reminding of the    capacitors, and 52 reactors from   Photovoltaic Industry       to deal with the coming net    ton. The proposed timeline for
                                                                    Association (SAPVIA), 2021
        precarious state in which the   2023 to 2031. The estimated   witnessed the installation of      zero legislative pressures?  implementing this legislation is
        economy has been left as a    investment required for these                                Energy security of supply,   from October 2023-2026. For
        result. With its need for an   upgrades totals R72.2 billion by   approximately 3.9-4.3 GW   future electricity cost hedging   this period, the burden will
        uninterrupted power supply    2027, with similar investments   of solar PV capacity in the   and the CO2 intensity of energy   primarily be administrative,
                                                                    commercial and industrial, and
        to sustain 24-hour operations,   anticipated between 2027    residential market segments.   supply are all critical factors   whereby firms will need to start
        the manufacturing sector has   and 2031.                                                                                accounting for their emissions,
        been especially hard hit by                                 This remarkable growth can be   that manufacturers should be   but from January 2027, the
        this wicked problem. Startling                                                                                          penalties will be financial. South
        statistics indicate that from                                                                                           Africa’s electricity grid will
        the beginning of the year until                                                                                         not be decarbonised by 2027.
        mid-May 2023, load shedding                                                                                             Therefore, alternative energy
        has been implemented for a                                                                                              generation solutions need to
        total of 134 days. To put this                                                                                          be sought by manufacturers as
        into perspective, there was                                                                                             it is predicted that the United
        only one day in the fourth
        week of March when load                                                                                                 Kingdom, United States,
                                                                                                                                Canada, and Japan are the
        shedding was not implemented,
        exacerbating the difficulties                                                                                           following regions that will be
        faced by the manufacturing                                                                                              implementing similar CBAMs
        sector. This problem has forced                                                                                         as they have published CBAM
        businesses to pivot and take on                                                                                         regulations for consultation.
        energy portfolios within their                                                                                          A Pathway to Energy Resilience
        operational structures, adding
        costs and taking away time from                                                                                          Resilience in the academic
        core functions. Considering                                                                                             world is often defined as
        the situation’s indications, the                                                                                        a system’s latent ability to
        current status quo will prevail                                                                                         endure, despite adversity and
        for a while longer. To remain                                                                                           to recover and maintain its
        operational and resilient,                                                                                              existing structure after a shock.
        businesses must find innovative                                                                                         The properties of stability
        solutions to ride out the storm.                                                                                        and flexibility are essential to
                                                                                                                                achieving resilient systems.
        Current State of Play-                                                                                                  This combination of flexibility
        Generation and Grid Capacity    The latest TDP raises concerns   attributed to significant cost   strategising for, to allow them    and strength allows firms to
        Shortage                      voiced by Eskom regarding its   reductions and improvements   to remain competitive locally   bounce back as they are good
                                      ability to execute the proposed
          The ongoing load-shedding                                 in technology learning rates,   and globally.               at anticipating, absorbing, and
        crisis is fundamentally driven by   projects. They anticipate   making solar installations an   Regarding C02 legislation, it   adjusting to changes. We are all
        a lack of sufficient and reliable   liquidity constraints and   increasingly attractive choice   is evident that the European   facing a highly adverse energy
        generation capacity, resulting   potential tariff determinations   for businesses.        Union (EU) is moving faster   crisis that needs innovations
        in a power system starved of   by NERSA (National Energy     Notably, the declining costs of   than initially expected. On   to help us endure. It will be
        electrons. In recent years, 1.5   Regulator of South Africa) to   battery and storage technologies   16 May, 2023, the Carbon   those that maintain stability
        GW per year of capacity was   affect their implementation. The   also contribute to the rise of   Border Adjustment Mechanism   but also introduce flexibility
        built and connected to the    acquisition of servitudes and   onsite energy autonomy for   (CBAM) was fully legislated   through alternate energy
        grid. In comparison, 3.5 GW   the necessary resource capacity   companies. The distributed                              supply technologies that will
        was lost due to decreasing    to execute the plan across the   generation market is also   and is set to enter into force in   survive. Seek an opportunity
        performance and the           engineering, procurement, and   experiencing growth, driven   October 2023. This will require   where responsibility has been
        necessary decommissioning     construction value chain also   by the potential for energy   exporters to the EU to account   abdicated. 
        of existing coal plants. This   pose additional implementation   trading and aggregation. These   for the GHGs embedded in their
        loss has resulted in the current   risks. The financial constraints   innovative solutions allow   processes across Scope 1-3 of
        structural shortfall of 4 to 6 GW   faced by Eskom have     customers to benefit from diverse   their emissions. This account   Tel: +27 (0)31 767 5202
        in power generation capacity,   underscored the urgency of   technology options, minimising   includes the emissions that   E:
        which drives the necessity to   finding alternative approaches                            result from the electricity used   W:
        load shed.                    to fund and execute crucial   the risks associated with long-  in manufacturing processes.
                                                                    term power purchase agreements
          To address the generation   transmission infrastructure   with a single energy provider.   Manufacturers tied to the South
                                                                                                  African grid, which is still 80%
        shortage, South Africa needs   projects. Without adequate   One could argue that there is an   coal-based, will therefore face
        to add 4-6 GW of generation   access to capital, Eskom has   opportunity where responsibility   significant CO2 tax implications.
        capacity per year, reaching a   struggled to keep pace with   has been abdicated, and therefore
        total of 53 GW by the 2030s.   the grid’s growing demand    businesses should be engaging   The iron, steel, and aluminium
        However, there is a need for   for upgrades and expansions.   with the energy question through   sectors will feel the initial impact
        expediting the procurement of   These limitations have impeded   the following three lenses:   of the tax, as they are among the

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