Page 5 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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Biz CORNER ■ networking lunch Education (C.A.R.E) to help chance to learn from fellow
Amazing education and
members who have faced similar
you grow personally and
frustrations or challenges or
propel your business toward
...and so much more!
unparalleled success.
goals that they have achieved,
We will have break-out sessions,
Don’t miss this exclusive
TALK MARLENE global and local keynote speakers monthly event for established share lessons learnt, and the
advantage of this exceptional
with Business Coach
opportunity to receive
and, opportunities to sell in the
business owners only (The
perspectives and, refine your
@coachmarlenepowell @actioncoachmarlene room, buy in the room, build average business age is between personalised feedback, gain fresh
referral partners, and meet
10 and 30+ years). You will join
future strategic alliances. We are like-minded business owners and business strategies.
all about building our business engage in our unique C.A.R.E. Contact me to experience your
ain knowledge, make Who would want to be a part of community. There is no other Eco-system for business. This first MemberSHIP exclusive
connections and, an eco-system for business? eco-system quite like the C.A.R.E platform provides opportunities Business C.A.R.E Workshop –
Gdevelop strategies to Established business owners MemberSHIP. to connect with other driven limited spots available! Then
advance your business! who want to: Are you a determined business entrepreneurs looking to forge we can talk about becoming a
Business can be very lonely, ■ Increase their brand’s visibility owner who aims to achieve powerful relationships. member of this exclusive group
of established Business Owners
frustrating, and as the daily ■ Meet experts and leaders face remarkable success for yourself MasterMIND Eco-System for Business.
and your business, enabling you
pressures drag on over the years, to face to enjoy the freedom and quality The morning session will focus
can suck the life out of business ■ Build relationships with like- of life you deserve? on community and education
owners. minded business owners where you’ll learn from local and Contact me on
marlenepowell or call +27 (0)83 479 447
Join our exclusive monthly
A business should be the path to ■ Keep up with current trends business C.A.R.E Eco-System global industry experts sharing
freedom and adventure. However, ■ Have FUN! MasterCLASS every third valuable insights on advancing
many business owners experience Tuesday monthly. These sessions your business.
pain, humiliation, heartbreak How does the C.A.R.E Eco- are specifically designed for MasterCLASS
and despair as a result of being an System for business work? established business owners like
entrepreneur. ■ Organised networking and you, who are ready to take your The afternoon session will SCAN
One solution to consider is the alliance building sessions businesses to new heights. prioritise accountability and QR CODE TO
results by featuring collaborative
Community, Accountability, ■ Business2Business and Our business MasterCLASS planning for the upcoming
Results and Education (C.A.R.E.) Business2Consumer break- provides Community, month with a MasterMIND BENEFITS OF
Eco-System for business. out sessions Accountability, Results and group. You’ll also have the MEMBERSHIP
C.A.R.E. at the Pencil Club in Umhlanga
group of aspirant exporters The participants completed a exhibit their offerings, and they chains, and funders interested discussions on SME access to
recently flew the flag for year of rigorous export training, were provided the opportunity in funding entrepreneurs and target-markets, government
A he Pietermaritzburg dedicated mentorship sessions to network with entrepreneurs, supporting the ongoing rollout support, and finance.
and Midlands Chamber of and market linkage activities corporates interested in of the GEAP programme. The
Business at the closing event of in the GEAP programme. The diversifying their supply programme included panel W:
the Global Export Accelerator initiative was made possible
Partnership (GEAP) programme through the Employment and
in Cape Town. The group joined Skills for Development in Africa
their colleagues from the three (E4D) Programme, funded by
other participating chambers the German Federal Ministry
– Cape Town, Nelson Mandela for Economic Cooperation
Bay (Gqeberha/Port Elizabeth), and Development (BMZ) and
and Johannesburg – to draw implemented by the Deutsche
the curtain on a year-long Gesellschaft für Internationale
programme to train about 150 Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
black-owned small- and medium- The event at the Cape Town
size enterprises to enter global
markets. International Convention Centre
(CTICC) saw participants Some of the Pietermaritzburg GEAP participants at a workshop with project
manager Shan Cade (4th right).