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              he winter solstice has   businesses must find innovative   want to increase their brand’s   realising the potential for South
              past and we can again   solutions to ride out the     visibility, Marlene Powell    Africa’s unemployed. Page 10
        Tlook forward to longer       loadshedding storm. Page 9    provides a solution for business   Formulate a policy in the
        hours of sunshine (and shorter   The KwaZulu-Natal Industrial   owner through the C.A.R.E.   workplace governing sick leave
        nights). In addition, this point   Technology Exhibition (KITE),   ecosystem. Page 5      for employees and give guidance
        on the solar calendar provides   being held at the Durban    Jacquie Bhana will assist    to employees on what activities
        a good opportunity to set some   Exhibition Centre between   in helping her clients to    are acceptable, explains Johan   KWAZULU-NATAL
        intentions for the next half of   18 and 20 July 2023, is an   confidently move forward,   van Deventer. Page 4.        BUSINESS CHAMBERS
        the year. Many of the articles in   interactive hub for attendees   unencumbered by any feeling of                      COUNCIL:
        this edition of Business Sense   to increase their knowledge   being fake. Page 8          What better way to honour
        should provide some motivation   and understanding of current                             Youth Day than to inspire South   Chairperson: Paul Ngema
                                                                                                  Africans with moving accounts of
        to make some changes.         industrial technology trends and   One of the highlights of the   today’s brave youngsters. Page 12
          On the front cover is Innovate   legislation. Page 6      annual Standard Bank KZN       And world over, the term     Physical Address:
                                                                    Top Business Awards is the
        Durban CEO, Aurelia Albert.    The importance of building   public competition to see who   sustainability has become a   Queens Court Building,
        By supporting and nurturing   a brand is unpacked by Aurik   will win the much-desired    buzzword, an ideal to focus on,   5 Samora Machel Street,
        local talent, Albert aims to   CEO, Pavlo Phitidis, who asks,   accolade of being the top brand   and a positive step forward for   Durban, 4001
        position Durban and the KZN   “What is brand? Have you built   in the province. Page 7    business, our economy, and the   Tel: +27 (0)31 305 9867
        region as leaders of innovation   your business into one, why does                        greater good of mankind.
                                                                      The BPO (Business Process
        in South Africa. Page 3       it matter, how do you do it?”   Outsourcing) industry, led by   Page 16                   Email:
          In addition, says Liesel    Page 4                        Nutun, specialists in digital   So get moving and we look   Website:
        Kassier of TWIMS, to remain    For those business owners,   business services, has stepped   forward to hearing of your
        operational and resilient,    who among other needs,        forward as the shining star of   successes. 


               on’t miss the          Maphumulo Municipality         This can be:                  Selected business owners     as well as the content of the
               opportunity to take your   Ndwedwe Local Municipality,   ■   Scanned and emailed to    are required to participate   business plan submitted.
        Dbusiness to new heights!     and Mandeni Local       in a 10-week entrepreneurial   Finalists that complete the
        The Entrepreneur 2023 entries   Municipality.          development programme       programme will be offered the
        are now open.                  The Entrepreneur is an       ■   Faxed to 086 666 1164     endorsed by the University of   opportunity to showcase their
          To enter the programme,     University of KwaZulu-Natal   ■   Dropped off at the iLembe    KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and   business at The Entrepreneur
        candidates need to complete   (UKZN) Graduate School          Chamber Offices, The Quarter    USA-based Massachusetts   2023 Exhibition where the
        the entry form that can       of Business and Leadership      Centre, 1 Stewart Drive, Ballito  Institute of Technology (MIT),   winners of the competition
        be downloaded from The        accredited business accelerator                             which include tuition and     will be announced.
        Entrepreneur website (www.    programme presented in         Late or incomplete applications   mentorship.               Prize money will take the Entry   collaboration with Airports   will automatically be disqualified.  The programme will commence  form of business development
        forms can also be collected   Company South Africa,          All applications received    on 29 July 2023 and will run   funding that will be disbursed
        from the iLembe Chamber       Enterprise iLembe, ENGIE      will be reviewed against the   until October 2023.          in line with the submitted
        offices, the offices of Enterprise   Peakers Operations, Siza Water   selection criteria. Interviews                    business plans after being
        iLembe and iLembe District    and The North Coast Courier.  may be conducted to select the   Competition winners will be   approved by the finalist’s
        Municipality or any one of the   The application form must be   finalists that will participate   judged on the perceived potential   assigned mentor. 
        iLembe District municipalities’   completed and submitted before   in The Entrepreneur 2023   of their businesses, programme
        offices: KwaDukuza Municipality,   14 July 2023.            competition and programme.    participation and attendance,

        BUSINESS SENSE                                        © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of Business Sense may be reproduced   COMMENTS:
                                                              or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of  Top Business.
        Published by: Top Business, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every   We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments
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        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee   and promote discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will
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        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht:  pages.                                              offending material, or editing for spelling or grammar, at the sole
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        Design & Layout: Kerri Adlam | Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors   Please send your queries to
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        BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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