Page 3 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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           nnovation plays a crucial role                                                                                       witness Durban and KZN emerge
           in the growth and development                                                                                        as a hub of innovation within
        Iof cities, regions, and nations.                                                                                       South Africa, fostering remarkable
        South Africa, a country with a                                                                                          growth and development in the
        rich history and diverse economy,                                                                                       region. A standout achievement
        has recognised the significance                                                                                         during her tenure as CEO has
        of fostering innovation and                                                                                             been the extraordinary expansion
        entrepreneurship to drive                                                                                               of Innovate Durban and its
        economic growth and tackle                                                                                              recognition beyond the borders
        societal challenges. Nestled in the                                                                                     of Durban with national and
        heart of Durban, a pioneering                                                                                           international recognition.  The
        agency called Innovate Durban                                                                                           most recent achievement being
        has emerged as a catalyst for                                                                                           leading Innovate Durban’s
        innovation, nurturing local talent,                                                                                     Innovation Co-Lab into
        and transforming ideas into                                                                                             successfully being regarded as
        viable businesses.                                                                                                      an American Corner by the US
          Innovate Durban is a registered
        NPO founded in 2017, that                                                                                                Looking ahead, Albert’s
        aims to support innovation                                                                                              aspirations for Innovate Durban
        and innovators in the Durban                                                                                            are to continue making a
        KwaZulu-Natal region and      Aurelia Albert, Chief Executive Officer, Innovate Durban                                  significant and lasting difference
        beyond. The roots of Innovate                                                                                           in the realm of innovation. She
        Durban trace back to its inception   youth with the necessary tools t   Co-Lab in Cato Manor and the   dedication and leadership have   aims to further bolster support
        as a programme conceptualised   o become successful innovators   recently launched Innovation   propelled Innovate Durban from a   and nurture the businesses
        by the eThekwini Municipality   and change-makers.          Hub and Robotics Laboratory   small team of four staff members to  and innovations of the talented
        Economic Development and       Another flagship programme   in the Richmond Community,    a robust organisation with a team   innovators within the community,
        Investment Promotion Unit. This   of Innovate Durban is the   promoting inclusivity and   of 14 professionals.          creating an environment where
        programme took shape through   Start-Up Support Programme,   empowering individuals to                                  their ideas can thrive and flourish.
        the intervention of the Innovation   which provides incubation and   innovate and thrive.  Albert’s further aspirations
        Stakeholder Forum, a quarterly   acceleration support to budding                          for Innovate Durban include   An Unstoppable Catalyst
        gathering aimed at deliberating the   and established innovators.   Dedicated Leadership  continued impact in the        In conclusion, Innovate
        state of innovation and innovation   Through this programme,   Under the leadership of Aurelia   innovation landscape and   Durban has emerged as an
        support in Durban, KZN.       entrepreneurs take their concept   Albert, Innovate Durban has made   the growth of businesses and   unstoppable catalyst, propelling
                                                                                                  innovations developed by
          Under the leadership of its CEO,   through to market readiness,   a significant impact on the local   the agency’s innovators. By   innovation, entrepreneurship,
        Aurelia Albert, the agency has   they gain access to funding   innovation ecosystem. The agency   supporting and nurturing local   and economic prosperity in the
        become a custodian of innovation   opportunities and investment   has supported numerous startups,   talent, Innovate Durban, under   KZN region. With a rich variety
        in the region, providing various   networks, mentorship, and   many of which have achieved   Albert’s guidance, aims to   of programs and platforms, the
        programmes and platforms to   business development support,   remarkable success.         position Durban and the KZN   agency empowers innovators,
        support innovative entrepreneurs   reducing barriers to entry and   In just the 2021/2022 financial   region as leaders of innovation   and startups, and fosters an
        at every stage of their lifecycle.  increasing their chances of   year, Innovate Durban has   in South Africa.          all-encompassing innovation
                                      successfully commercialising their                                                        ecosystem. By actively engaging
        Vital Initiatives             innovation.                   been successful in creating 11   A Hub of Innovation        with industry leaders, marginalised
                                                                    employment opportunities,
          These programmes and platforms   As pioneers in the KZN   attracting R2,5 million in     Having previously served as   communities, the public sector,
        are dedicated to nurturing    region’s innovation landscape,   innovation funding, successfully   the programme manager for   and SMMEs, Innovate Durban
        innovation and entrepreneurship   Innovate Durban acknowledges   supporting six innovations   innovation within eThekwini   is reshaping the very fabric of the
        within the region, catering to   the inherent obstacles they face.   through to commercialisation   Municipality, Aurelia Albert   innovation landscape in Durban
        the unique requirements of the   Despite the rapid evolution of   and enhancing Durban’s   brings a wealth of valuable career   and extending its influence
        innovation ecosystem. They serve   the innovation sector, gender   overall competitiveness in the   accomplishments in the field to her   far beyond. In doing so, it has
        as vital initiatives that play a pivotal  imbalances and limited access to   global market. Additionally,   role as CEO of Innovate Durban.   solidified its position as a dynamic
        role in supporting and guiding   innovation resources, addressing   Innovate Durban’s emphasis   Since the organisation’s inception,   and vibrant hub of innovation,
        startups on their journey. One   these challenges is a top priority   on sustainability has led to the   she has been at the forefront,   driving South Africa’s innovation
        of their notable programmes is   for Innovate Durban and they   development of eco-friendly   guiding Innovate Durban with   agenda forward with unwavering
        the Youth Innovation Challenge,   have made substantial progress   businesses and solutions that   her expertise and dedication. Her   determination. 
        which aims to capacitate young   through proactive initiatives.   address environmental challenges.  leadership has played a pivotal role
        individuals with innovative skills   Innovate Durban specialises in                       in propelling the agency’s mission   W:
        and resources to create solutions   establishing Innovation Centres   As the CEO of Innovate Durban,   and vision to new heights.
        for societal challenges. This   in marginalised communities,   Aurelia Albert is driven by the
        initiative serves as an introduction   providing crucial access to digital   vision of transforming the region   Her unwavering commitment to
        to innovation and innovative   and technological resources.   into a dynamic and inclusive   leading Innovate Durban stems
        thinking and empowers the     Examples include the Innovation   innovation ecosystem. Her   from a deep-rooted desire to

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