Page 7 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
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              he prestigious Standard   host three webinars where the   remains within a family (or
              Bank KZN Top Business   shortlisted entrants in each of   multi-family) structure, and   THE KZN TOP BRANDS
        TAwards 2023 are now in       the categories will be introduced.   where more than one generation
        their seventeenth year of existence   Each webinar will announce   contributes to the success of the   Listed here in alphabetical   ■   The Sharks
        and aim to acknowledge the    three to four different categories.   business.               order are the names of      ■   Imperial Amour
        businesses and people that are   In addition, in each webinar                               KwaZulu-Natal top brands    ■   International Bank Vaults
        contributing to the success of the   the current rankings of the top   ■   Agricultural and    voted for by 19 June 2023.    (IBV)
        province.                     twenty brands, as the voting     Agro-Processing Sector       ■   Airshot
                                      stands, will be announced.     Incorporates establishments                                ■   Ithala Development Finance
          “Standard Bank is committed                               and activities that are primarily   ■   Argento Trading 117cc    Corporation
        to driving Africa’s growth.   WEBINAR ONE:  29 JUNE         engaged in farming activities,   ■   BB Bakeries
        These awards are important    6:00 PM – 6:30 PM             but also includes establishments                            ■   Lion Match
        in identifying and celebrating                              focusing on commercial hunting   ■   Beekman Group          ■   Mediterranean Shipping
        the businesses that exemplify   ■   Standard Bank Client of    and game propagation and     ■   Benita Ardenbaum Attorneys    Company (MSC)
        innovation, resilience, and a     the  year – SME Category  forestry, logging and fishing.   ■   Blue Security          ■   Mi7 National Group
        steadfast commitment to both    Less than R100M turn over   The beneficiation of primary
        economic growth and social    per annum, bank with Standard   materials and intermediate goods   ■   Bosse Events       ■   NJMPF
        impact in KwaZulu-Natal,” said   Bank                       from agricultural, fisheries and   ■   Boxer Superstores    ■   Natal Razor Wire
        Hameed Noormahomed, Head                                    forestry-based sectors is included.  ■   Cox Yeats Attorneys     (A Division of Mawala
        of Business Banking, Client   ■   Standard Bank Client of                                   ■   Defy                      Holdings)
        Coverage KZN at Standard Bank.    the year – Larger Enterprise   WEBINAR THREE: 13 JULY
                                        More than R100M turn over   6:00PM – 6:30PM                 ■   DRG Outsourcing         ■   Regent Business School
          Apart from the category awards,                                                                                       ■   SLG
        the Standard Bank KZN Top     per annum, bank with Standard   ■   Community Upliftment      ■   East Coast Radio
        Business Brand Award is much   Bank                           and Improvement               ■   FMI                     ■   SN Africa Projects
        coveted each year and is awarded   ■   Manufacturing Sector  This award is open to businesses   ■   Frimax              ■   STE Scaffolding SA
        by public vote only. Previous   Broadly defined as the physical   or social enterprises that have
        winners include Icebolethu    or chemical transformation of   made a significant positive   ■   Hirsch’s                ■   Supertech Group
        Group (2022), Hollywoodbets   materials or compounds into new   impact on the community     ■   Hollywoodbets           ■   Tyson Properties
        (2021) and Blue Security (2019).  products.                 and region they operate in.     ■   Icebolethu Group        ■   Woodford Group
          In order to vote for the Standard   ■   Transport/Logistics Sector  This could include: charitable   ■   Illovo Sugar South Africa  ■   Xpanda Security
        KZN Top Business Brand 2023,                                efforts, or developing your local
        SMS the letters ‘KZN’ and the   Transport as an economic sector   community. The motivation
        name of your top brand to 45633.  refers to activities concerned with   should be to make KZN a better
                                      land transport, railway transport,   place to live and work.   To be eligible for a category   about both the quantity of
          You may enter as many times as   water transport, and transport                         award, entrants need to       entries as well as the quality
        you like. And get your employees,   via pipelines, air transport, and   ■   Renewable Efficiency    demonstrate how their   of the submissions received so
        clients, families, friends and   activities of travel agencies, post     – Green initiatives  companies have embraced the   far in the various categories.
        other stakeholders to vote. A   and telecommunications, courier   This category includes   principles of the King IV Report   The judges are going to have a
        cost of R1.50 per SMS will be   activities, as well as storage and   renewable energy, low-carbon   on Corporate Governance in   difficult task in selecting the
        incurred.                     warehousing activities.       transport, energy-efficient   South Africa 2016. Factors    winners and runners up in each
                                                                    buildings, clean technologies,   such as stakeholder relations,   of the categories. We wish all
          Furthermore, you could win   WEBINAR TWO: 6 JULY          improved waste management,
        one a one-night stay for two   6:00 PM – 6:30 PM            improved freshwater provision,   environmental sustainability,   entrants well.”
                                                                                                  social responsibility, and quality
        people at the Radisson Blu Hotel                            etc.                          of governance are all considered   Visit www.kzntopbusiness.
        Durban Umhlanga.              ■   Franchising Sector                                      in the formal judging process.  com for more information and to
          Voting for the Standard Bank   A business that is owned by   ■   Employee Wellness                                    register for the webinars and gala
                                                                                                   The Standard Bank KZN Top
        KZN Top Brand award closes on   one or more people who provide   This award is for businesses   Business Awards gala dinner is   event livestream. 
        Sunday 16 July 2023 at 10 pm.  products or services under the   that go the extra mile to engage                        #RiseAboveTheNoise
                                      branding and rules stipulated by   their staff members and what   on the 20 July 2023, and will be
        Live Webinars                 a parent company.             difference this makes to the   livestreamed from the Radisson
                                                                    business. This may be through   Blu Hotel, Durban Umhlanga   For more information
          In the lead up to this year’s   ■   Family-Owned/Managed   in-house training, flexible   from 6.30 pm.                Contact Gayle Adlam
        Standard Bank KZN Top         Businesses                    working, personal development,                              C: +27 (0)83 653 0465 or
        Business Awards gala dinner     Open to businesses where the                               Grant Adlam CEO of KZN Top     +27 (0)31 267 1977
        event on the 20 July 2023, we will   majority ownership/management   workplace wellbeing activity and   Business said, ‘We are delighted   E:

                                                                                                                                       KZN TOP
                                                                                                                                       BRAND 2023

                                                                                                                              YOUR VOTE COULD
                                                                                                                              DECIDE WHO WINS
                                                                                                                               TOP BRAND 2023!
                                                                                                                               PLUS YOU’LL BE ENTERED INTO THE LUCKY DRAW.
                                                                                                                               FOR ACCOMMODATION FOR 1 NIGHT FOR 2 AT
                                                                                                                               THE RADISSON BLU HOTEL DURBAN UMHLANGA

                                                                                                            STANDARD BANK
                                                                                                              KZN TOP BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                             TO VOTE SMS
        Imraan Noorbhai, Standard Bank Head Consumer Client Coverage KwaZulu-Natal; Nomfundo Mcoyi, Group CEO - Icebolethu                 SMS COSTS R1.50 *T&C APPLY
        Group (Top brand winner 2022); Grant Adlam, CEO KZN Top Business;  Hameed Noormahomed, Standard Bank Head Business
        Client Coverage, KwaZulu-Natal

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