Page 13 - KZN Business Sense 9.3 Aurelia Albert eBook
P. 13

Icebolethu Foundation launched its first Computer Skills Centre in Nquthu in 2022


           n June, the Icebolethu     large. By bridging the data gap,   with internet connectivity, they
           Foundation made a          Icebolethu Foundation aims to   will be more informed and our
        Isignificant contribution to   equip the Nkandla community   youth can dream bigger that they
        the Nkandla community by      with valuable tools that will   now have the necessary tools to
        donating a computer centre. This   enhance their educational   chase their dreams. It will make
        act exemplifies the company’s   opportunities and pave the way   a huge difference to all of them,”
        dedication to making a positive   for a brighter future.    said Nomfundo Mcoyi CEO
        impact in various communities.   “Icebolethu Foundation is   Icebolethu Group.
        The overarching objective of   fully committed to the future
        this initiative is to empower the   of our young people and this   About Icebolethu Foundation
        community, particularly the   donation represents a gateway   Icebolethu Foundation was
        youth, by providing them with   to quality education and future   founded in 2015 with the
        meaningful access to information.  leadership opportunities. Our   aim of uplifting, empowering   Stand A Chance to
          The computers were donated   goal is to help the learners   and facilitating change by      WIN R1000 GROCERY
                                                                    developing sustainable solutions
        at a handover ceremony held   acquire computer skills, which is   for the youth and the elderly.   VOUCHERS
        at the Nkandla Qhudeni        critical given that we are living   We are a Black empowerment
        Community attended by         in the digital and information   organisation driven by African   When you use iSave Rewards.
        traditional leaders, political   age,” said Icebolethu Foundation   values and we celebrate our   To enter simply use your iSave Rewards
        leadership, schools, community   Manager, Zama Mazibuko.    country’s diversity and cultural
        and other stakeholders. The    “This is an opportunity to   wisdom. Our key focus area        and send us a picture of your till slip to
        centre is well equipped with   empower the community of     includes education, orphans and       078 678 2274
        workstations for learners to   Nkandla, especially the youth in   vulnerable children (OVC) and
        master basic computer skills and   ways that could open so many   supporting sustainable living for
        programmes. This centre will   doors and opportunities for them.   the elderly.              SCAN TO DOWNLOAD APP
        be used by local school children   With the help of the new computer
        and the community members at   centre and access to computers

                                                                    MINARA CHAMBER ANNUAL

                                                                    GOLF DAY

                                                                          he Minara Chamber       stations at the event to network   free service linking unemployed
                                                                          of Commerce will be     meet up with new and existing   candidates to companies that
                                                                    Thosting its annual           clients and promote new       have vacancies available,
                                                                    Golf Day on Sunday 23 July    products and services.        These are amongst some of
                                                                    2023 at the Durban Royal Golf    As a non-profit company we   the many services provided
                                                                    Country Club. We have had a   host such fundraising events to   by the Chamber in its vision
                                                                    date change as their weather   generate income that supports   to progress businesses and
                                                                    conditions affected the course   many of our business support   improve our economic
                                                                    and taking note of other                                    challenges.
                                                                    major events that players have   initiatives and Chamber     Our activities and
                                                                                                  activities. These activities serve
                                                                    previously committed to.
                                                                                                  as a vehicle for businesses to   programmes may be view
                                                                       The objective of the golf day   network, provide exposure to   at 
                                                                    is attracting businesspersons   new business opportunities,    Look forward to hosting you
                                                                    and professionals so as to    and young entrepreneurs
                                                                    give them the opportunity to   are supported through our    at our Golf Day 2023! 
                                                                    network with fellow colleagues.   mentorship programmes,
                                                                    Partner companies have the    information and skills seminars.  For further information email us at kzn@
                                                                    opportunity to have activation                     or
                                                                                                   The Chamber also provides a

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