Page 3 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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lue Security, a leading-edge said, “South African security prevention, we’re proud of our Stephen Wimborne, regional
security company that has companies now must look success as the ‘Company Doing director for central was
Bcommunity at the centre deeper into customers’ needs, the Most to Fight Crime in KZN’. previously the company’s
of everything, has shifted its which now requires higher We are now taking our current customer and innovations
strategy from reach to relevance. levels of community safety and infrastructure and sharpening director is eager to drive change
The private security company security solutions, strategies, it as we go from big to small – and improve the safety and
has announced a far-reaching and communication. We need making our big business better quality of life of communities.
realignment that will ensure that to get closer than ever before to to support smaller regions and “Forward thinking by
it protects, innovates, and delivers our customers.” touch all KZN clients.” nature and passionate
more efficiently and with greater about community, Stephen
excellence touching all corners of Going forward, the company He added, “Blue Security will knows what truly drives the
KwaZulu-Natal – north, central, will leverage its existing strengths, make a shift into these three community and the importance
and south. local knowledge base and strong regions – north, central, and south of connecting with all to achieve
community ties to further – with the introduction of three shared value outcomes.”
The company has always entrench themselves into the regional directors to continuously Brian Jackson
had a big vision to create safer north, central and south sectors, have an eagle’s eye over the sectors Van Bemmelen said, “I wish Blue Security Regional Director: South
communities where local people and communities of KwaZulu- and drive growth.” our new team much success and
can thrive and the impact Natal. Blue Security’s goal is to I am confident that together, we
collectively made on communities meet the new operational needs Clive Samuels, regional director will build safer communities
across KwaZulu-Natal is required to reshape the way it for the north who was previously for local people and take our
undeniable. Over the last few does business with customers and the company’s technical director business directly to our clients
years, Blue Security has embarked communities. This shift allows is looking forward to a new and communities.”
on a focused drive that has seen a the company to unlock relevance, season at Blue Security. He
successful partnership and side- adapt to the fast-paced industry said, “With three decades of Blue Security clients, non-clients
by-side working relationship with demands, have a competitive experience at Blue Security, and communities can look forward
communities, community policing advantage, and remain a I look forward to harnessing to this exciting new journey
forums and neighbourhood dominant force. my experience, the power of that will make communities feel
safer and heard as the company
watches. our existing infrastructure
This new strategy will not only and available resources while anticipates and meets their safety
Reshaping and Sharpening simplify the business structure, adopting and investing in world- and security needs, going above Clive Samuels
Strategy making the company and its class security solutions and and beyond. Blue Security Regional Director: North
The South African security leaders more approachable, but it technology to flatten the curve of
industry has been in existence for also allows Blue Security to: escalating crime.” W:
many decades with the private 1. Get closer to the community Brian Jackson, regional director
security sector growing as one and its clients for the south who was previously
of the biggest in the world. Our 2. Get closer to its areas of the company’s operations director
country has seen an increase operation, to understand is up for the challenge to add a
in crimes and violent incidents how we operate and deliver local flair to the south of KwaZulu-
including the recent KwaZulu- phenomenal service and Natal. “As an old boy of the south
Natal unrests which has put a fight crime and now as regional director
spotlight on the security and made for the Number One security
the private security market even Getting Up Close and Personal company in KZN, Brian looks
more competitive. with Community
forward to returning to help create
Blue Security’s Chief Executive Van Bemmelen said, “As a a safer environment where local
Officer, Henk Van Bemmelen business focused on crime people can thrive.” Stephen Wimborne
Blue Security Regional Director: Central
ENK VAN BEMMELEN, years ago, he took up the position is people driven and it is often
CEO of Blue Security as operational director at Blue hardcore; you really get tested, so
Hsays, “I fell in love with Security. Since then, he has been support is required,” he explained.
the security business from an promoted to managing director The main challenges of his
early age – it is in my blood. I and then in October 2018 to his
can’t remember ever waking current position as CEO. role as CEO are firstly to ensure
up and not wanting to go to He says that his journey through that the Blue Security ‘ship’ is
pointing in the right direction
work. If you have a passion for the ranks of the security industry and secondly to ensure that the
your business, then you can’t
go wrong.” has been enabled by having good company is keeping up with the
mentors. “Having a mentor is a technological innovations that
After the completion of his two top priority for anyone who wants are driving the security business.
year South African defence force to progress in their career. My A major challenge of the
call up period, Van Bemmelen’s mentors have become friends and security industry is to keep up
experiences motivated him to join people that I have learnt from
a security company. He started beyond the on-the-job experience. with change. “The world is
as a Reaction Officer and enjoyed A mentor will also push you constantly evolving; we have to
keep up with innovations and we
the work involved, as combatting harder than you do yourself.” need to ensure that we meet the
crime has always been an overall
concern in South Africa. Van Bemmelen commented that expectations of our clients. The
the experience of having a mentor security business is a disruptive
Over the past 31 years, Van had prompted him to focus on industry, which is not the same
Bemmelen has worked his way up providing mentorship to other as 20 years ago and we cannot
through the divisions and ranks employees within the company. stay in our comfort zone but
Henk Van Bemmelen
Blue Security CEO of the security business. Eleven “The reality of this job is that it continually need to adapt.”