Page 6 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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Biz CORNER 2. Which clients were bringing in lifestyle you so richly deserve SCAN
And then-
and to get your business to run
whether you are there or not, then
the most profit?
take action and make a call to me
It was important to ensure that
and together we WILL find a way
TALK with Business Coach in the following months we – but only if you are ready! QR CODE
focused on:
1. Their products and services
that generated the most Contact me on VIDEO
@coachmarlenepowell @actioncoachmarlene
amount of profit, for the least or call 083 479 4471
amount of effort, in the
ow much money and time a minimum of 46% increase in shortest space of time, then
would you invest to be your sales. And through my more 2. Identify who their ideal target
Hgiven a formula for sales than 13 years of coaching business market was that would have
that will guarantee you predictable owners, they have far exceeded a need for their products
results? these growth figures – again I and services
remind you it does not matter
No matter what industry you are We then identified a strategy
in or how many years you have which industry you are in or that would support outcomes and 5 WAYS See below for the ‘Five Ways’ formula
how many years you have been
been in business, sales is key to in business! It is more how open put dedicated time aside in their TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS to build your business:-
your CashFLOW.
minded you are to learn the right default diary (Read my article on
No sales coming in = no money way of sales where sales comes time where I expand on this very CURRENT AREAS STRATEGIC INCREASE FORECAST
coming in! before marketing. (Obviously if effective tool) to work the strategy
you are a brand new business just to generate better quality leads that Leads
Sales is the lifeblood of every starting up or you have very few would bring in more profit. X X X
business and if you have limited or clients then of course marketing is Conversion
no skills in sales or limited or no key – see my article on marketing.) We have seen a reduction in Rate = =
interest in sales then I guarantee turnover (yes, a reduction) but a Customers /
you that your business will have I recently coached a client vast increase in profit and the team Clients X X
no interest in making money for whose sales were coming in, but are not needing to work as hard due No. of
you to: they were not making profit. We to having a strategic approach to Transactions X X
1. Take care of you, your family analysed their sales activities over growing a more profitable business. Average
and lifestyle, and a period of the past 12 months. (It Once you have selected the Rand Spend = =
2. Grow your business so you can is very important to take a broad strategies for your specific Turnover
spectrum and not look at one
build a profitable business that month in isolation to ensure you business, we will work on X X X
works whether you are there get a trend in your business before implementing them together and Margins
or not testing and measuring the results.
making decisions.) = = =
Our objective will be to reduce Profit
So, what is this formula I We ascertained that although acquisition costs and increase
mentioned earlier? their sales were remaining lifetime values of your “A” grade A 10% increase in each of the ‘5 Ways’ will bring a massive
There are five ways to ensure constant their profits were clients to your business. 46% increase in turnover and 61% increase in profits.
that you are guaranteed, yes dropping so we needed to analyse: If you are serious about
guaranteed a minimum of a 61% 1. Which products and services getting your business to have
increase in your profit line and were their most profitable? the CashFLOW to give you the
he digital world has moved lives. The security of the myriad The days of using ‘password 123’ The Custom Group has seen a gate systems without requiring
drastically from being a of different systems we all utilise as your go to or merely referencing growing need for a large scale time massive financial investment into
Tsmall extension of our on a daily basis from social media your favourite dog’s name are long management solution for companies high-end hardware.
daily lives to being the central and banking to CRM and HR gone as hackers grow ever-more to be able to digitally monitor their The machine learning
hub upon which most people management systems has become savvy and our lives become much staff’s time and attendance as well
and companies now build their of utmost importance. more digitally entrenched. as access control and timesheets technology upon which the facial
without having a cumbersome recognition system is built has
Biometric logins have become clock-in and clock-out system. been specifically developed using
standard for most phone users, different ethnicities, making this
either using built in fingerprint Time Manager utilises state- one of the most accurate facial
sensors on their phones or of-the-art facial recognition recognition systems available in
hand scanner to access their technology without the need for an African environment. Whether
estates, but most corporate high end camera software. By using a company is wanting to monitor
systems still lag behind with even rudimentary rear-facing cell their remote workers, see when
outdated and cumbersome phone cameras users can clock in a mobile crew has clocked into a
password logins being the and out. The user’s location data job, or even just record attendance
norm. Facial recognition has is coupled with their facial login, for their local workforce, Time
traditionally been reserved for allowing managers to accurately Manager gives users a scalable
companies installing expensive monitor who is on site at any given and no-nonsense solution.
cameras or vaults as in a James time, as well as generate timesheets
Bond film. with ease and confidence. For more information
Commercial facial recognition Companies can also use Time T: +27 (0)82 385 9768
projects have been hampered Manager to manage access W:
by ethical issues, not least of all, control on site. User management
the huge disparity between the is simple and providing guest
accuracy of the systems when access is straightforward and
used by Caucasian users vs users secure. The system can integrate
with darker skin tones and less seamlessly with existing access
‘European’ features. management turnstile and boom-