Page 4 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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Monique Labat, Growing your business through Diversify risk through exports the world to come together and other professionals in the
Monique Labat exports Exporting also provides discuss potential partnerships. export industry, which can
Consulting There are many reasons to opportunities for businesses to Exhibitors have an opportunity be invaluable when trying to
export. Perhaps the most obvious diversify their risk by spreading to meet one-on-one with buyers establish relationships with
Researching reason is that exporting can out their sales across different from around the globe, learn foreign buyers or distributors.
industry sectors help a business grow. When countries around the world. about new products and services, Advantages of B2B specialist in
T he businesses export, they typically If one country’s economy lead to future business deals. sourcing export markets
and form relationships that could
find new markets for their
weakens or experiences political
In order to make the most of
Overall, using a specialist
products and services, which
turmoil, exports elsewhere can
market is can lead to increased sales and help offset any losses sustained this opportunity, it is important to source export markets
for exhibitors to be prepared
constantly profits. Additionally, exporting by doing business in that one beforehand by doing research is an effective way for
changing can help businesses become more country alone. on the attendees and arranging companies to expand their
and evolving. To be successful competitive by making them more meetings in advance. business overseas quickly and
in exporting, it is important to efficient and effective in how they B2B the answer to developing efficiently. By taking advantage
research industry sectors and produce and sell their products. stronger trade relationships B2B specialists identify potential of the resources that these
understand the latest trends. By Business to business linkages buyers and distributors professionals offer, businesses
doing so, you can identify new New customers = significant present opportunities for When looking to export can save time and money while
increasing their chances of
business growth
opportunities for your products manufacturers and exporters
and services. Additionally, it Another reason to export is to explore new markets, products, it is important to use a success in foreign markets.
is important to have a good that it allows businesses to reach identify potential business specialist who can help identify
understanding of the competition new customers who may not partners, and develop and navigate the complex web Information on B2B market linkages
in each sector and what different- be available through domestic stronger trade relationships. of export regulations. The and exports to secure new markets, new
iates your company from others. markets alone. In some cases, By collaborating with other specialists have the knowledge suppliers or new clients available from
Monique Labat Consulting (Pty) Ltd
a foreign market may be much businesses, manufacturers and resources necessary to help
Export strategy larger than the domestic market, and exporters can create companies find new markets E: or
M: +27 (0)82 924 6349
Researching industry sectors providing significant growth a global supply chain that for their products, as well as
will also help you develop a well- potential for a business’ products allows them to reach new connect them with potential
buyers and distributors.
informed export strategy. You’ll or services. Additionally, selling consumers while reducing the
need to consider things such as products or services in foreign risk associated with exporting. B2B specialists have a wealth
which countries to target, what markets exposes companies There are several ways in of experience working with
distribution channels to use, to new ideas and technologies which businesses can establish different types of businesses, SCAN
and how much marketing effort that they may not have access to these linkages. so they are well-equipped to QR CODE
should be put into each market. otherwise. This helps companies help companies of all sizes
Exporting can be a lucrative stay ahead of the competition and Trade shows and exhibitions expand into new markets. TO SEE
venture but it’s important to do improve their own operations Trade shows provide a venue They also have connections VIDEO
your homework first! over time. for companies from all over with trade organisations and
Johan van Deventer, that we may need consent from and should be behind lock and 2. Have you received consent employees about what personal
Regional Manager, KZN, our employees to collect and key, either in an office or a cabinet. from your employees to collect, information you have about them?
LabourNet use their personal information Access to electronic files should use or store their trade union 11. Have you informed your
depending on what type of
also be limited and we need to have
O ften personal information it is. If adequate information security 3. Have you received consent from employees’ personal information?
employees about how you use your
we are collecting or using any
measures in place. The requirement your employees to collect, use or
12. Have you informed your
an employee’s race, ethnic origin,
employees’ personal information concerning in this instance is dependent store their vaccination status? employees about how you protect
upon the basics already employed
4. Have you received consent from
their personal information?
personal trade union membership, political within the workplace, but you your employees to collect, use or
information persuasion, health i.e. vaccination should have the basics in place, store their race or ethnic origin? 13. Have you informed your
is the last status, or biometric information, such as, passwords protecting your employees about how long you keep
thing we we need to get consent from our computers and limiting access to 5. Have you received consent from their personal information?
think employees to collect, use and store your network or wi-fi. your employees to collect, use or
of when wrestling with our the personal information and store their personal information Contact LabourNet today to assist you
To determine whether you are on
Protection of Personal Information we also need to keep proof of the track with your POPI compliance outside of South Africa? with all your POPI needs or to conduct
a free risk assessment to check your
(POPI) compliance, but they consent on file. 6. Are your hardcopy human compliance status!
should not be. Employees do not When using our employees’ regarding your employees’ resource files stored securely in a T: +27(0)31 266 6570
only play a role in getting and personal information, we must personal information, you can locked office/cupboard? C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
keeping companies compliant with be aware that we may only use it utilise the below checklist. Not 7. Are your softcopy human W:
POPI but are also data subjects for the purpose for which it was all questions will be applicable resource files stored securely
themselves. This means that we collected, and these purposes must to all companies, however if you with the necessary information
need to be POPI compliant when be communicated to the employee. answer NO to two or more of technology security in place?
collecting, using, storing, and the questions relevant to your 8. Do you have a clean desk policy
deleting our employees’ personal When storing our employees’ company, you are likely in breach or similar measure to ensure no
of POPI.
information. This is often easier personal information, whether personal information is left lying
said than done, as employers often electronically or in hard copy, we Have you registered an around?
just don’t know how to practically must be aware that we need to information officer for your 9. Do you have a data protection SCAN
comply with POPI regarding their have safety measures in place to company? policy or similar measure that QR CODE
employees’ personal information. protect against the loss, damage, TO SEE
or unauthorised access of the 1. Have you received consent from governs how you collect, use, store
When collecting personal personal information. Access to your employees to collect, use or or process your employees’ data? VIDEO
information, we must be aware hard copy files should be limited store their biometric information? 10. Have you informed your