Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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        David White, CEO DRG          and business leaders excel, and   towards meeting pre-defined   to others that seek to establish   manner. Responsible corporate
                                      to assist in areas where support   outcomes is important in   their value creating pursuits in   citizenship strengthens
           had the great joy of an hour-  and development is desperately   improving success rates of   the economy for the betterment   employee engagement and
           long meeting with Professor   needed.                    organisations in the markets – no   of communities, society, the   commitment, raises staffing
        I ervyn King, an elder in      Having recognised that a     matter how young or mature the   environment, and the world at   energy levels, and enhances
        our South African business    framework detailing key focus   businesses are in the economy.    large.”  Professor King went on   purpose and contribution from
        community, and a giant in global                            He explained that there was,   to say that the King Committee   individuals and teams within
        governance and sustainability.    areas is hugely supportive from a   however, a further more critical   had recognised that the best   the organisation.
        It was to be an hour that I will   mentoring perspective, my first   consideration, which is ethical   frameworks ever conceptualised   I was not amazed by Professor
                                      question to Professor King was to
        not forget, and will forever   ask him the reason he may have   and effective leadership from the   needed to start with the concept   King’s focus on leadership
        guide my considerations in                                  governing body, and assurance   that the organisation was   and culture as being critical
        business leadership, mentoring   considered why the economy had   that the organisation is free from   incapacitated, and its corporate   in organisational success.
        and economic development      not adopted a stated business   influencers such as corruption,   leaders were the heart, mind, soul   However, I had not up to this
                                      framework of reporting that
        discussions.                                                greed, and the like.          and conscience of the company.
                                      encouraged business leaders to                                                            point considered that ethical
          Having already shared some   be aligned in meeting corporate   Professor King emphasised that   Great value is given to   and effective leadership and
        emails between ourselves      governance principles and     some of the greatest minds on   organisations that meet     meeting responsible corporate
        speaking about our passions,   practices, which in turn meet   earth had been drawn together   legislative requirements and   citizenship expectations was in
        work and interests, our meeting   organisational expectation and   over the past decades to focus on   operate efficiently, as well   fact more critical than providing
        started at a fast pace.  In terms of   stakeholder outcomes intentions.    models to support ESG initiatives,   as ensure value creation and   a governance framework to guide
        background, our work at DRG   The motivation of the BusinessFit   integrated reporting, and the   process effectiveness.  To   business leaders and governing
        and BusinessFit has been in                                                                                             bodies towards achieving success
        creating a business framework for                                                                                       and prosperity.  The realisation
        organisations to use in assessing                                                                                       of Professor King’s focus and
        their organisational sustainability                                                                                     contribution became obvious
        from Environmental, Social, and                                                                                         right away, as it is relatively
        Governance (ESG) perspectives.                                                                                          easy for business leaders and
        These are contributions to the                                                                                          organisational teams to follow
        development of communities and                                                                                          processes to reach milestones
        society as a whole, supporting                                                                                          and goals; whereas when they are
        the respectful use of raw                                                                                               empowered to make collective
        materials and replenishment                                                                                             decisions, they do at times
        of the environment’s natural                                                                                            become subjective, and choose
        resources, and following a                                                                                              outcomes that positively affect
        governance framework of ethics                                                                                          their individual prosperity and
        and effectiveness to improve                                                                                            hierarchal endeavours, rather
        businesses contribution to the                                                                                          that recognising their true
        creation of a sustainable economy.                                                                                      responsibility as leaders and
                                                                                                                                governing bodies for the long
        The BusinessFit business assurance                                                                                      term best interests of the health of
        process considers four critical                                                                                         the organisation.
        perspectives evident in every                                                                                            As I sit at my desk now, I
        business, namely:                                                                                                       realise how much I have learnt
        ■   Leadership, ethics, and                                                                                             from the great Professor King,
          value creation                                                                                                        and that all the good intentions
        ■   Functional area foundation and                                                                                      we have infused into a guiding
          quality assurance and controls                                                                                        business framework and
                                                                                                                                ecosystem to support successful
        ■   Defined outcome intentions                                                                                          outcomes of entrepreneurial and
          and stakeholder measurements                                                                                          business outcomes is affected
        ■   Organisational culture                                                                                              positively or negatively by the
          effectiveness and staffing                                                                                            simple process of thinking,
          engagement levels                                                                                                     considerations, and actions
                                      Professor Mervyn King                                                                     adopted by business leaders.
          The BusinessFit business                                                                                              It is clear that maturity in the
        assurance and business leader   framework is to improve business   development of manageable                            business leaders and governing
        mentoring process draws       success in the open market,   governance frameworks.  He    support the aim of encouraging   bodies who recognise their role
        together aspects from the King   and the effect of course is well-  continued by saying that although   leaders and governing bodies   in society as critical in creating
        IV governance framework, as the   structured and well-managed   many of these fine minds brought   to adopt ethical practices, the   engaged work environments
        foundation to a leader’s and the   businesses having a reduction   together for this purpose of   term Responsible Corporate   that include community,
        governing body’s organisational   in wasted resources, adding   improving business effective   Citizenship was created.    environmental, social, and
        roles and responsibilities.  These   commodity value to communities,  considerations had different   Responsible corporate   governance considerations are
        focus areas aim to help ensure   providing confidence in success   backgrounds and perspectives   citizenship is recognition by   the guiding lights needed to
        an ethical and effective work   expectation, and creating   on organisational success, each   an organisation, no matter   help improve our collective and
        intention and staffing culture,   sustainable employment.    had a valuable contribution to   its incorporation, that it has   economic challenges. 
        community value creation and                                make in defining supportive   legal, social, cultural and
        organisational productivity,   Considering that Professor King   business frameworks to result in   environmental responsibilities.   E:
        suitable operational and system   has an unrivaled background   more businesses being successful   Being a responsible corporate
        support applications, quality   in law, business, leadership,   in the market.  However, what   citizen means being guided
        assurance, risk management    integrated reporting, and is   the business frameworks do not   by moral and ethical standards
        and adequate controls,        known the world over as a     include is human capital, except   in daily interactions with
        strategy development and      leading resource and authority   for the integrated reporting   customers, stakeholders,
        implementation, business      in sustainability measures    framework. Conscious corporate   and employees.  Responsible
        minded linkages and           and corporate governance      leadership as the collective mind   corporate citizens value,
        considerations, and a foundation   frameworks, there is no one   of a board is the important factor.     monitor and beneficially    SCAN
        of trust and legitimacy.      better in my opinion to respond                             affect communities and         QR CODE
                                      to this important question and   Professor King continued by   societies at large, and do not
          Each business, as we know well,   consideration.  Professor King   saying, “One hopes that mankind   absorb more raw materials   TO SEE
        has its own uniqueness, and the   wasted no time in responding,   does one day reach that point   from the environment than   VIDEO
        BusinessFit model’s intention is   and agreed that a common   of evolution where in a mature   can be replaced by nature
        to help identify and encourage   framework supporting activities   and caring fashion is able to   herself in a reasonable period   (Open camera on phone for 2-3secs over
        those areas where entrepreneurs   and strategies to drive businesses   share knowledge and kindness   of time – and in a constructive   the QR Code to see the video link.)

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