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        Dr Fareed Amod, Crown Dental Practice  ■   Loose or separating teeth  important, increasing your risk of     antibiotics will help control an    periodontitis, it cannot be cured,
                                      ■   Painful chewing           developing advanced gum disease     infection.              only treated. If you suspect that
                 ith more than two-thirds   ■   Sensitive teeth     up to seven times.             Sometimes surgical treatments   you have gum disease or have
                 of all adults showing                               Gum disease is diagnosed by your                           other dental problems, seek
                                        Gingivitis affects the vast
        Wsome form of gum             majority of people in some form   dentist, who will look for a number   are the best course of action   help from your dentist as soon
                                                                                                  for advanced cases. Surgical
        infection, gum disease is one of the   or another and is considered   of different signs to see how far   procedures could include pocket   as possible. The right treatment
        most common infections affecting   reversible. However, if gingivitis   your condition has developed.   reduction surgery, soft tissue   plan will work to get your mouth
        people around the world today.                              While red, bleeding gums often                              healthy again, get you out of pain
        Gum disease commonly refers   is allowed to continue,       indicate gum disease, your dentist   graft, bone graft, and guided   and improve your smile. 
                                                                                                  tissue regeneration.
                                      periodontal disease can develop.
        to a wide spectrum of infections   In periodontal disease, the   will also look for things it can be
        that affect the soft and hard tissue   destruction of the supporting   hard for you to see on your own.   However, these treatments all   Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
        of the mouth. The South African                             These include excessive plaque and   have limited success in people who   truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
        Dental Association states that   tissues, including the gums, bone   tartar build-up, and tooth pocket   are unable to show effective plaque   as this is not limited to emergency
                                      and periodontal ligaments (the
        severe gum disease is found in   fibres that hold the teeth in the   depth. If there’s significant depth   control. This emphasizes the   dentistry treatment.

        5-20% of middle-aged adults.   jaw) can occur. Eventually, the   in the tooth pockets, your dentist   importance of adequate cleaning   T: +27 81 207 8621
        Research shows it may heighten                              might have x-rays taken to look   techniques and the importance of   E:
        the risk of stroke, heart disease,   destruction could cause the teeth   further into the severity of your   gum health. Brushing removes the   W:
                                      to become loose and even be lost.
        diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even                              periodontitis.                plaque from the surface of your
        cause pregnancy complications.  However, aggressive periodontitis                         teeth. Flossing removes the plaque
                                      only affects 10 - 15% of the   Over the years various forms   and food particles stuck between
          We can separate the disease   population. This percentage   of gum treatments have been   your teeth and on your gumline.
        into gingivitis or periodontitis.                           promoted. If you are in the   In addition, using an anti-bacterial
        Gingivitis is seen as the early   indicates that there are certain risk   early-to-moderate stages of   mouth rinse reduces the bacteria
                                      factors for the progression of the
        stages of gum infection where no   disease. The first of these factors   gum disease, your dentist   responsible for plaque and gum
        long-term damage to the gums   is the type of bacteria present   could suggest procedures and   disease.
        or deeper supporting structures                             treatments such as:
        has taken place. Gum disease is   in the mouth. We know that of   ■   Scaling: this will remove plaque    Your dentist can help catch early
                                      the 300 species of bacteria in the
        usually painless and silent until   mouth, only a few are capable     and tartar (hardened plaque),    signs of gingivitis at your regular
        the advanced stages. Some of the   of causing advanced disease.     and bacteria from your teeth    check-ups. Professional dental
        first signs include:          Secondly, there are a several     and below the gumline     cleanings, at least two times a
        ■   Bad breath that will not    risk factors that could make   ■   Root planing: this will    year, will assist in cleaning some
          go away                     someone to be more susceptible     smooth the root surfaces, which    of the areas in your mouth that
        ■   Red, swollen and tender gums  to developing periodontal disease.     discourages further build-up    you might find more difficult to
        ■   Bad taste in your mouth   The contributing factors comprise     or bacteria and removes build-   access. A dental hygienist will
        ■   Gums that bleed when      some types of medications,      up that is contributing to the    also show you how to clean your
          you brush                   smoking, diabetes, HIV,         inflammation                teeth effectively.
        ■   Gums that pull away from    hormones, stress, and depression.   ■   Antibiotics: topical or oral    However, as the disease
          the teeth                   Of these, smoking is the most                               progresses and reaches        Dr Fareed Amod


              ea is the most popular   right information when choosing   important for good health, Green
              beverage in the world   which tea is best for them, which   tea on its own is not a magic
        Tafter tap water with over    is why I’ve answered these    cure for weight loss. Weight loss
        six billion kilogrammes of tea   frequently asked questions.”  is achieved through lifestyle
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        many shoppers don’t know which   drinking tea help?         keeping active. This being said,
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        Specialist dietitian and Laager   herbal tea may be the answer for   which can certainly form part
        Rooibos partner, Mbali Mapholi,   you! Herbal teas like Rooibos,   of your weight loss programme.
        sat down to answer South      Honeybush and Chamomile       In addition, Green tea may
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           “Tea is more than just a   particular is often associated with   has the ability to increase your   Which is the best tea to drink     caffeine-free tea for any time
                                                                    blood flow, which then results in
        delicious beverage, it’s a culturally   promoting sleep. Researchers                                                      of day?
        significant addition to many daily   believe that its effect on sleep is   improved oxygenation to your   and when?       – Drink Rooibos tea
        customs that bring people closer   due to the fact that it contains   bodily organs.       If you don’t have any specific
        together,” said Mapholi. “Because   Apigenin - a flavonoid that binds   I have diabetes, which tea is best   health conditions, it’s best to   ■   Time for tea and scones?
        of its cultural richness and   to certain receptors in the brain,   for me?               choose your tea according to     – Drink Earl Grey tea
        the fact that there are so many   which can promote sleepiness.                           your mood, the time of the day,   ■   Down with colds and flu?
        wonderful teas available today. I   Can I give tea to my kids?  Rooibos may help people with   and your particular need at that     – Drink Rooibos tea
        want to ensure everyone has the                             diabetes keep their blood sugar                               “There are so many reasons to
                                       Rooibos tea is the perfect choice   levels under control as part of a   time. Tea is a versatile beverage
                                      for kids because it is naturally   healthy lifestyle and therefore   boasting a range of health   drink tea” commented Mapholi in
                                      caffeine-free and naturally sweet.   reduce the risk of complications.   benefits offered by the group of   closing “Firstly, we drink tea for
                                      Young kids should ideally not   Rooibos is also naturally sweet   natural plant compounds found   pure enjoyment! Secondly, tea is
                                      consume caffeine on a regular   meaning it can be enjoyed without   in tea. Here are some examples   an affordable and a versatile drink
                                      basis. All teas, except herbal teas   sugar or other sweeteners.  of which tea to drink when.  that can be consumed either hot
                                      like Rooibos and Honeybush,                                                               or cold. And finally, tea is packed
                                      contain caffeine. Rooibos also has   Can I drink tea when I’m   ■   Feeling bloated or constipated?   with antioxidants which have
                                      other benefits for growing bodies   pregnant?                 – Drink Green tea           numerous health benefits such as
                                      – it is hydrating, low in tannins,   Herbal teas like Rooibos and   ■   Suffering from high    boosting your immune system,
                                      high in antioxidants, and can help   Honeybush are the perfect     cholesterol or high blood    supporting heart health, and
                                      soothe tummy ache and allergies.  choice during pregnancy. They’re     pressure?          fighting off inflammation.”  
                                                                    naturally caffeine-free and can      – Drink Rooibos tea daily
                                      I’m trying to lose weight - can   also help soothe an irritated                           Visit and
                                      Green tea help me?            stomach. They can also be enjoyed   ■   Feeling that afternoon slump?    @LaagerRooibosTea or @urbandietitian (@
                                                                                                                                mbalimapholiinc. on Facebook) on social
                                       Although Green tea is packed   hot or cold to keep you hydrated     – Drink some Black or Green tea  media for more health tips and advice from
                                                                                                                                Mbali Mapholi, as well as healthy recipes
        Mbali Mapholi                 with antioxidants which are   and feeling at your best.     ■   In the mood for a delicious,    and ideas for the whole family.

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