Page 17 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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                      David White, CEO,   waiting patiently to express   disturbances, they are left open   being guided by the power of our  This uncomfortable existence
                       DRG            itself from within our hearts   to focus on receiving inspiration   ability to reason, resulting in a   for many can be healed instantly
                                      outwardly, through our thoughts,  and uncovering advantages to   potluck outcome.  A reasoning   through reasoning what is right
                       M       oses   sustainable environment around   sustainability. Moses said, “It is   and gives us the ability to grow   given ability to love and care for
                                                                                                                               and wrong, and applying our God
                                      words, and actions, we create a
                                                                                                  mind overcomes all situations
                                                                    ensure ongoing success and
                                                                                                  confidence in that voice within
                                      us, with health in each of the
                                                                                                                               each other.
                                                                    reasoning that gives us the ability
                       Tembe and I    areas in our lives where we have   to consider alternatives to better   us being able and ready to guide   Moses, through his confidence
                                      needs and interests.
                                                                                                  and encourage positive and
                                                                    define our brand’s unique offer
                      first met each                                and best step forward.”  I was   appropriate creations through   in sharing his message, helped
                     other many years   It is interesting that Moses’s path   delighted to listen to these wise   our thoughts, words and actions.   to make this normally complex
                        ago. At our   to business and financial success   words Moses was sharing and felt                     discussion simple, and I left
                        initial meeting   was through the Life lessons   honoured I was able to gain so   Business is just the same. If   our lunch meeting feeling both
                        we instantly   taught to him and his siblings by   much understanding about Life   we do not reason through our   satisfied mentally and filled
                        formed a bond   his pastor parents. Normally we   and creativity in the short period   intellect (and that clear voice   with new hope and expectation.
                        of interest,   would consider that commercial   of time. I considered too that   within), our actions which should   For days after our lunch my
                         cooperation,   success comes from experience,   certainly I was also receiving the   lead to greater value to self and   mind kept going back to our
                         and respect.   networks, influence, and applying   wisdom that Moses’s parents had   community, will be influenced   discussion, and Moses’s voice
                         I saw clearly   business minded principles in the   taught him as a child and young   by the emotion of arrogance and   saying, “David, it is simple.
        at the time, and today continue   marketplace. Moses clarified that                       foolishness of ignorance. We   It is our heart consciousness,
        to see Moses as a highly capable   yes indeed understanding how   man living in the townships of   will create conditions where it   that true voice within, that is
                                                                    Lamontville and Umlazi.
        and competent business leader,   business works and is sustained                          becomes unlikely for us to reach   continually encouraging us to
        driven by purpose and integrity.   is important in ensuring ongoing   Many spiritual truths are   our desired objectives.   move forward in our decision-
        Our recent reconnection and fine   success. However, norms and   difficult to convey accurately   Another amazing simile we   making. With love for our father
        dining experience at the Tembe   values are critical in reasoning   in words, and Moses knew this   discussed was that water within   God and neighbours guiding
        home in Umdloti was magnificent   right from wrong, and ensuring   well. We soon started speaking   a bottle remains the same colour   our minds to create actions and
        in many ways. Above all, the   that we act with integrity, and   about considerations in driving   no matter whether the colour of   habits in doing things for one
        food was exceptional, and the   transmute negative emotions,   a Ferrari, where the engine and   bottle is green or brown.  This   another, as caring, sharing, and
        conversation riveting. We quickly   images, thoughts and beliefs into   steering wheel are essential   example feeds the soul, especially   encouraging brothers and sisters
        learned that our paths had in   constructive channels. So, they   components to move the car   in a South African context, where   of the one creator”.
        fact crossed many years prior to   are not able to adversely flavour   forward, but the driver must   we as citizens need to note and   The words “caring, sharing and
        the point we had considered was   the space we hold in regard to our   reason the appropriate speed and  feel that common unity that   encouraging” for one another
        our initial meeting. At that time,   intentions and desired outcomes.    direction to be taken. The driver   binds us internally, and from   now mean much more to me
        we were both in our mid to late   Moses continued by sharing   can be influenced by ego to drive   this point create a society where   than before. Caring, sharing
        20s, and Moses had facilitated   that it is easy for people to   faster, take sharper corners, and   all feel happy and harmonious   and encouraging provides all
        a loan from his position in the   feel doubt and fear that our   risk not reaching the destination   and share the same values and   the direction and guidance we
        KwaZulu-Natal Finance and     work and purpose will return   successfully. Imagine also, a   attraction to our country, homes,   need to consider in defining our
        Investment Corporation (KFC)   little value, but if our minds   Ferrari engine without adequate   and individual purpose.  Much   life’s purpose and ensuring our
        to Shell SA, where I was a staff   remain free and do not become   and controlled steering. This can   unnecessary pain is inflicted by   successful and fulfilling living
        member supporting setting up   clogged by materially minded   be likened to our emotions not   us onto our brothers and sisters.    in South Africa. It draws us
        Umnini Ultra City on the South                                                                                         close to reasoning what are right
        Coast of KwaZulu-Natal. We                                                                                             and wrong thoughts, decisions
        knew the same people who owned                                                                                         and actions, and to better hear
        and managed the Shell Ultra City                                                                                       the guiding voice within our
        business, and this recognition and                                                                                     heart consciousness. I will not
        common linkage instantly created                                                                                       forget this wonderful lunch
        a warm foundation for openness                                                                                         and afternoon with Moses, and
        and sharing of challenges,                                                                                             our incredibly deep and simple
        expectations and opportunities in                                                                                      conversations. Thank you,
        our paths.                                                                                                             Moses, for your caring, sharing,
          Moses is a highly experienced,                                                                                       and encouraging. This knowledge
        resourceful, connected, and                                                                                            you have gained through your
        business minded KwaZulu-                                                                                               parents and life experiences is
        Natal industrialist.  He has a                                                                                         as valuable to everyone as it is to
        long and successful track record                                                                                       you and me.
        in business, and is regarded by                                                                                          We have heard it before, and
        his peers in commerce, and the                                                                                         know well that ethics, effective
        business community at large, as a                                                                                      leadership and an engaged
        smart, ethical and effective leader.                                                                                   organisational culture are the
        Moses is a true to life example of                                                                                     single most important aspects
        someone authentic, and able to                                                                                         in creating an organisational
        give confidence to us that good                                                                                        foundation from which we can
        and clean business principles                                                                                          build successful and sustainable
        and best business practices are                                                                                        businesses, and to ensure an
        both profitable and contain that                                                                                       exceptional personal existence for
        critical aspect of sustainability,                                                                                     ourselves and the communities
        which attracts ongoing interest                                                                                        around us. 
        and new opportunity.
          Interestingly, Moses’s business                                                                                      DRG, and DRG Siyaya
        mindedness came from his                                                                                               Contact David White,
        parents who were pastors in the                                                                                        T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        community. Moses’s parents                                                                                             E:
        taught their children, family                                                                                          W:
        and greater community that
        the Life within each of us is
        more real than our physical
        presence indicates. And if we
        follow the true voice within,

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