Page 12 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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                                                                                                                  Vote for the
        27 July 2022, Durban                                                                                    KZN TOP BRAND   The 2022 categories are:

              ZN has experienced the                                                                             SMS ‘KZN’      ■ ■   Business Innovation
                                                                                                                                   Entrepreneur Resilience
              worst flood in its history                                                                         to 33808       ■   Digital/System Implementation
        Kand has been declared a                                                                                 24 July 2022 at 8pm KZN
        national state of disaster. This                                                                          TOP BRAND voting    ■   Employee Wellbeing
        catastrophic event has impacted                                                                                         ■   Small Business Start-up
        the lives of many people, and                                                                                           ■   Community and Social
        the leadership of Standard                                                                                                Responsibility
        Bank empathise with each and                                                                                            ■   Family Business
        every one who has experienced                                                                                           ■   KZN Top Brand
        the devastation. Lives were                                                                                             ■   Business Personality of the Year
        lost, homes and businesses                                                                                               You may enter your own
        were destroyed and roads and                                                                                            organisation for an award or
        infrastructure damaged.                                                                                                 nominate a third party. Entries
          As a consequence of the impact                                                                                        close on 1 July for written
        and devastation of the floods                                                                                           submissions. The Top Brand
        in KZN, Standard Bank has                                                                                               award is based on public SMS
        decided to postpone the annual                                                                                          vote only and voting for this
        KZN Top Business Awards                                                                                                 category closes on 24 July 2022
        event to 27 July 2022. The Top   L–R: Reggie Gambushe, Head of Local Market Consumer Clients, eThekwini Catchment Standard Bank; Grant Adlam, CEO   at 8pm. To vote SMS the letters
        Business Awards are a highlight   KZN Top Business; and Fiona Ebrahim, Head ofLocal Market Business Clients, eThekwini Business Centre, Standard Bank  KZN to 33808 and follow
        of the annual business calendar                                                                                         the prompts.
        and are open to businesses and   and households that lost property   immense resilience through the   their contribution to the economy
        organisations of any size based   or suffered destruction. We are   Covid 19 pandemic as well as   and society.”         The award proceedings on
        in KwaZulu-Natal. All entrants   aware that many businesses   the July unrest last year, and we   Grant Adlam, CEO of KZN Top   the 27 July at the Radisson Blu
        are required to send in a written   and households are busy trying   remain confident that together we                  Oceans Umhlanga Hotel will be
        submission explaining what their   to rebuild their businesses,   will bounce back from the recent   Business encourages all qualifying   live streamed to ensure greater
        company has achieved against a   infrastructure, and properties,”   floods and rebuild our beautiful   businesses to enter the awards.   opportunity for participation
        set of key criteria as appropriate   said Reggie Gambushe – Standard   province to what it once was,”   He said, “The Standard Bank   by all stakeholders. For more
        e.g., benefits for the company,   Bank KZN Head: Local Market   added Gambushe. “Standard   KZN Top Business Awards are   information on entering visit
        employees, or community.      Consumer Clients.             Bank and KZN Top Business are   undoubtedly a fantastic way to  
          “We would like to convey our    “At Standard Bank we remain   cognisant of the fact that there   share your story and showcase   If you have any questions about the
        deepest condolences as Standard   committed to assisting our clients   are many businesses who have   the calibre of the work you’re   awards, entry process or event, please
        Bank KZN, to all the families that   and communities to rebuild what   performed phenomenally well,   undertaking in the province.    email
        have lost loved ones due to floods   has been lost, by supporting   under extremely challenging   The emphasis is on what makes
        and rains. Our sincere sympathy   humanitarian relief initiatives. As   conditions, and these businesses   your business standout in the   For more information: Gayle Adlam
                                                                                                                                T: +27 (0)83 653 0465
        goes to all business communities   a community we have displayed   deserve to be recognised for    category selected.”   E:


               s of December 2021,    other. They then invited their   effectively then you are missing      weak, unprofessional and of    2.  Your strategy. What you are
               the number of          connections to do the same and   MASSIVE opportunities         no interest to them.          going to do on a weekly or
        ALinkedIn users               so it has grown virally.      to grow your sales and                                         daily basis to find, connect
        reached 9.46  million in       You have probably heard of   your businesses!                 I have, in the files section of       with (in the right way –
        South Africa.                 the general principle of “The   As a Business Coach I started      my free Facebook group, my       have I already mentioned
          Most people have heard of    Six Degrees of Separation” that   to use LinkedIn to gain business      “9 Points to Creating a       this? ) and engage with your
        the on-line networking        says we are no more than six   for myself in 2010. It quickly      Powerful Personal Profile”       ideal connections.
        platform, used by businesses   people away from anybody in   became my main marketing,         document (+ a heap of other    Connect with Andy on LinkedIn
                                                                                                     resources) which we will delve
        and professionals, called     the world and there have been   communication and networking      into more, in future articles.    (
        LinkedIn. I know this         a number of studies to prove   tool. I have had a profile on                              andygwynn/), start utilising it
        because there are now over    this.  It is now recognised   LinkedIn since 2003 but only      You can join the group here:    more effectively and set yourself
        9.5million personal profiles    that, with LinkedIn, it is   ever really used it to connect   linkedinmasterywithandy
        in South Africa alone and     nearer three steps away from   with colleagues and often only                             apart from your competition!!!  
        over 800 million globally!!!  anyone. Your ability to find   when they had asked to connect
                                      and connect with whoever      with me. I had never proactively
          LinkedIn has been around    you want in the world is now   used it to gain business.       KZN TOP BUSINESS
        since 2003 and yet has exploded   greater than it has ever been!
        to these numbers in just the last                            It is the most powerful way
        few years. There has also been   You know that people source   to find, connect (in the right             M ASTERCL ASS
        a massive explosion of usage   contacts through word of     way) and engage with your
        since Covid.                  mouth referral – how many     ideal contact. All this from the      on using  LinkedIn to generate more business
                                      times have you recommended    comfort of your laptop or smart
          People have a profile because   your lawyer or web designer?
        they think they should but the   How many times have you    phone anywhere in the world!!!                                 FREE WEBINAR
        vast majority of people don’t   had business referred to you   There are really two parts to                                   on Tuesday,
        know how to use it effectively   through people you know?   LinkedIn:                                                          21 June 2022
        to gain business. That’s because                                                                                                 at 10am
        what LinkedIn was created to   People are now using         1.  Creating a powerful
        do and what it can do now are   LinkedIn to find and connect      personal profile that gets                                Gwynn is considered
        poles apart.                  with their ideal business        found, gives value to the                                  as one of the most sought
                                      contacts. They are also          reader (a point that is                                    after LinkedIn consultants,
          From my understanding,      checking you out on LinkedIn      missed by so many people!)
        LinkedIn was originally set   before contacting you. Your      and proves your credibility.        Join us with...         trainers and speakers in
        up by a few guys who decided   LinkedIn profile even gets      There is no point going out        Andy Gwynn                 the UK and globally.
        to share their personal and   found by Google so if you        to try and network if, when
        business networks with each   are not on it or utilising it      people see your profile, it is    To register visit:
                                                                                                                         on LinkedIn

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