Page 14 - KZN Business Sense 8.3 - Ebook
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              he South African Tourism   an unmatched hinterland    experience the traditional
              Board stated,“Hiking    excursion that brings in natural   culture of each of these clans.
        Ttrails are the best way to   and cultural enlightenment
                                                                      Drumming, song, dance and
        experience South Africa’s scenery,  along the way. In this way, we’re   storytelling will give insights
        sunny climate and outdoor     creating a sustainable rural   into a history stretching back to
        culture – it’s one of the world’s   tourism product that further   the days of iNkosi uShaka and
        most popular hiking destinations.  entrenches the Paradise of
        Whether you like to hike up   the Zulu Kingdom as a prime   beyond. Guests will also enjoy
                                                                    the opportunity to venture out
        mountains, along rivers or    holiday destination.”         and experience the taverns,
        through valleys, you’re certain to    Those embarking on the   sights and sounds of nearby
        find a perfect route.”
                                      Umzumbe River Trail will be   villages. The world-renowned
           The development of tourism   given a traditional welcome   skill of local artisans will be
        routes in the hinterland is a   at the start at Mhlabatshane   showcased through handmade
        key role of Ugu South Coast   Dam in Phugashe before a      arts and crafts on display.
        Tourism (USCT), bringing      week-long hiking adventure      There is so much to ‘sea and
        unique experiences to visitors   that winds along 70km of
        while creating valuable       spectacular natural landscape.   do’ on the KZN South Coast!
        job opportunities for local   Knowledgeable local trail guides   To find out more about the
                                                                    Umzumbe River Trail and other
        communities. The launch of    will lead guests, either hiking and   KZN South Coast experiences,
        the Umzumbe River Trail at    biking, while sharing information
        the Durban ICC on Wednesday,   on the unique geology, flora and   download the free ‘Explore
        4 May is the latest hinterland   fauna of the region as well as the   KZN South Coast’ app from
                                                                    Google Play and Apple stores,
        initiative that takes visitors    many medicinal uses of plants   check out ‘South Coast Tourism’
        into the heart of the KZN     that have formed part of Zulu
        South Coast for an authentic   culture for centuries.       on Facebook or YouTube, @
        Zulu experience.                                            infosouthcoast on Twitter or
                                        This trail winds across a   Instagram, or ‘Info Ugu South
           “There are more than 1 000   landscape that is home to six   Coast Tourism’ on LinkedIn.
        registered hiking trails across   Zulu clans; the eNhlangwini,   Follow the hashtags:
        South Africa’s nine provinces   eMabheleni, KwaCele,
        offering visitors an incredibly   KwaNdelu, KwaQwabe and    #seaanddo #greatestshoalonearth
        immersive experience,”        KwaMadlala. Guides will take   #sardinerun
        explained Phelisa Mangcu,     hikers on detours along the
        CEO of USCT. “Drawing on      trail to places of interest and   #kznsouthcoast. 
        this popularity, we considered   privately owned refreshment
        a dedicated KZN South         stops. Every night, visitors will   (Image: Supplied by USCT)
        Coast hiking trail the perfect   be welcomed into authentic   Visit for
        way to provide visitors with   homestays where they get to   more information on tourism offerings


               urban’s Inkosi Albert   Africa’s Travel Indaba signalled   impressive team were over the   Africa’s Travel Indaba, with   and 377 media were hosted.
               Luthuli International   the resurgence of large-scale   moon when no major hitches were  delegates attending meetings or   Also, 14 000 meetings between
        DConvention Centre            business meetings at the award-  reported as the final curtain came   visiting the various exhibitions,   delegates took place. Projections
        Complex came through with     winning Durban ICC since the   down on Africa’s Travel Indaba.  only 50% of the convention   are that there were 3 700 visitors,
        flying colours when it hosted   pandemic brought the MICE                                 centre’s capacity was allowed to   a direct spend of R29 million,
        the 2022 Africa’s Travel Indaba   industry to a near standstill at   “The return of Africa’s Travel   be filled and social distancing   R72.5 million contribution to
        over four days during May 2022   the beginning of 2020.     Indaba to the Durban ICC after   was maintained. The wearing   the City’s GDP and 145 jobs
                                                                    a two-year absence was the
        and proved it has not lost the                              strongest indication that the   of masks was made compulsory   were created.
        touch as a world-class business   Durban ICC CEO Lindiwe                                  inside all venues. Testing stations
        meeting venue.                Rakharebe said she and her    African continent’s tourism sector   and a vaccination site were    “The new ways of working
                                                                    is well on the road to recovery.                            will ensure that the Durban ICC
                                                                                                  available at designated areas and
                                                                     “We had prepared long and hard   delegates needed to complete an   continues to provide the highest
                                                                    to be ready to again host major   electronic screening form, prior   levels of infrastructure and
                                                                    events. During the lockdown lull   to arrival at the venue.  service standards, in keeping
                                                                    in bookings, ageing infrastructure   The Durban ICC has perfected   with the multitude of service
                                                                    at the Durban ICC was         the hosting of large events while   excellence awards we have
                                                                    refurbished and revamped, staff                             achieved over the years.
                                                                    were upskilled and trained in new   the microscopic coronavirus   “The enterprising spirit of
                                                                    areas of operations, and prudent   bug still lurks. It has embraced   our people, our resilience and
                                                                                                  the new norm occasioned by
                                                                    expenditure principles were put   restrictions, by reinventing the   tenacity, and our determination
                                                                    in place.
                                                                                                  business. Innovation came to   to never give up despite the
                                                                     “When the green light was given   the fore with the introduction   impossible odds – this is what
                                                                    for Africa’s Travel Indaba to go   of hybrid meetings which saw   will shape a brighter future for
                                                                    ahead, we were all set to do what   person/face-to-face attendees   the Durban ICC and the tourism
                                                                    we know best: putting together a   connecting virtually with other   sector it supports.
                                                                    world-class event that meets and   meeting attendees.        “This is what will make us better
                                                                    even exceeds all performance                                than we have ever been before,”
                                                                    targets,” said Rakharebe.      Rakharebe said there were
                                                                                                  18 African countries present    said Rakharebe. 
                                                                     While the Durban ICC was     at the Africa’s Travel Indaba,
                                                                    a bustling hub of activity for   655 exhibitors, 965 buyers    W:

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