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                    are better and I can do my work again. How can I thank you. I thank God for
                    you and the Sanctuary. Bless you.”
                           These are only a few of the hundreds of letters this month. I wish again

                    to thank those who have written to me. Thanks very much.

                           HOW TO DEVELOP THE SILENT HEALING POWER

                           The great central fact that establishes in man the secret of success, health
                    and happiness is that the Infinite Life is at the back of all and is expressing
                    Itself through all, mankind being its highest manifestation upon this earth.

                           The great central fact in human life is that this Infinite Life is the central
                    point from which all human thought and effort must proceed.
                           This means that in your consciousness and mine flows all the qualities

                    of the Infinite Life when we identify ourselves with the Infinite Life. By doing
                    so we bring into our own life the same mode of action, the same great laws and
                    forces inherent in the Infinite Life. It was in this way that the great prophets,

                    sages and saviours in world history gained their great inspiration.
                           All men and women who have become truly great have recognised and
                    realized this great truth. For in fact the more capable we are of realizing this
                    great truth so is the degree of our ability to achieve, manifest and conquer.

                           Most people prevent the flow of these Higher Forces by their ignorance
                    of the fact that they ere the focal point through which these Forces must express
                    themselves. Therefore they deprive themselves of the very thing that can raise

                    them to the very pinnacle of success, health and happiness.
                           Only when we are aware of this truth can inspiration of the highest
                    nature flood our consciousness and there find the secret to the conquest of
                    all things.

                           Few can realize the enormous power of the God-man because the mind
                    is taken up with limitation and effects and never seems to realize that they are
                    but illusions of the mind. They are saturated with defeat before they begin to do

                    anything. They are caught up in the limitations of the human mind and have not yet
                    realized the conqueror who is waiting to enter into the field of action.
                           No one can acquire the awareness of their true nature without direction

                    of thought. Thought must be turned back upon itself before the process can be
                    understood. We must think about the process of thinking and not so much
                    about things and this is the first step to the control of our thoughts.

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