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                    Father as one, then all that is guile and limitation will be discerned and dissolved
                    away. Through the door of the Christ of God—the Spirit of God manifests
                    in the flesh, through this door alone can you enter into the vastness of the great

                    Universal Storehouse of God. Then do not do your work for the praise of
                    man, but do it for the Love of God.
                           To what then shall we compare the kingdom of God within and with
                    what parable can we picture it? “It is just like a grain of mustard seed when

                    it is sown in the north, the smallest of all seeds on earth, and when it is sown it
                    springs up and becomes greater than any plant and puts forth large branches so
                    that all the wild birds can roost under its branches.” This means that when the

                    seed is sown it grows while you sleep and puts forth its shoots in all directions,
                    for seeds sown in Divine Mind grow apace. With this very apt saying of the
                    Master I leave you to think it over in your own mind and heart, and although

                    each year comes and goes time and space merge into each other and disappear
                    for in God there is no time or space, we are all united in His Mind, and live
                    and move and have our being in Him, expressing His nature, this is our

                    Eternal Reality.
                           My earnest prayer for you in this year of l949 is that the greatest blessing that
                    can ever come to man—the realization and recognition of the oneness of all—may
                    be yours. Refuse to be caught up in the net of race thought, nationalities, creeds,

                    politics, disease, ignorance, separation and death in which the masses have been
                    lost, thereby losing their Divine Power over the things of this world.
                           Meditate daily saying in your inner heart of hearts, “Mind be still, let that

                    which really “Is” take its true place in my consciousness,” and pray in this manner:
                           “Great and Mighty Eternal Father, Thou art the Creator of all things.
                    This is Thy Holy Temple, Thy perfect dwelling place from which radiates Thy
                    Love, Wisdom and Healing to all Thy Children. I am filled with Thy Mighty

                    Healing Power, Thy Inspired Wisdom and Divine Love and I am glorified by
                    Thy Radiance in me.
                           “My eyes and ears are open whereby I see and hear and my mind

                    receives Thy Eternal Truths, for Thou hast proclaimed me Thy perfect instrument
                    for Thy great and glorious work, that Thy Will which is done in Heaven will
                    also be done on earth. Amen.”

                                 MY LOVE AND MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU
                                       TO REMAIN WITH YOU ALWAYS.
                                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                      M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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