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look upon you will see the radiance of the Spirit of God shining in your
countenance and all can share your good by acknowledging It.
You can rend the clouds that hide the Face of God from the eyes of
the downcast. You will help to dissipate the ignorance which causes sorrow in
the world. For when one has seen the perfect vision he cries aloud in his
heart, ‘Behold the Word of God has been made flesh, the Christ is the only
begotten Son of God who dwells in every living soul.’
With this true vision thousands, yes millions, are lifted from depressed
conditions of war, strife and misery for their thoughts are turned into higher
channels and their burdens are lightened.
Live with the beautiful side of human nature and your own life will
grow more and more beautiful until you become an inspiration to the world.
Look for the good in all things then you will find God in yourself and
when you find God in all things and in all people like yourself, God will be
with you in all things and He will speak to you from the souls around you.
Know that you are strong within no matter how the body may suffer, it
is but crying out for its Saviour. You will speak to the body about the true
state of your Real Self and what you say from within with conviction so shall
the outer take on the reflection of your inner conviction. What you realize
today in the inner will be expressed in the outer tomorrow,
“For lest ye become as a little child ye shall not enter the Kingdom
of Heaven.” Let us all then become as little children seeing no evil, thinking
no evil, hearing no evil. “for only the pure in heart can see God.”
No one can teach Christ when they have evil thoughts about others
in their heart. “You hypocrites, take the plank out of your own eye before you
can see how to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” A poisonous
tongue poisons the soul which wilts in the darkness of its own iniquity. Your
virtue is not increased by your condemnation of others.
The statements of Jesus who revealed the Christ of God were never
spoken from the personal, only from the Impersonal. For no truth ever sprang
from the personal, only from the Impersonal Divine Mind of God wherein
the Absolute Truth can be found.
When the personal mind can merge in with the Impersonal, only then
can it speak the truth. “It is the Father who ever remaineth within me is performing
His own deeds.” “I of myself am nothing, it is the Spirit of the Father within
me that doeth the work.” “I am” the doorway into the All-Impersonal Loving
Father of all Wisdom and Power. The “I am” must see itself united in the