P. 92
If you are truly seeking Truth you must identify yourself with Reality,
which is not dependent upon any person however far evolved.
If you try to adjust yourself to the type you think has evolved you will
only find illusion. Truth is beyond all persons, beyond all stages of individual
development. In the self alone can be found that which is real and supports all
other selves, the Presence is not afar off but actively present within each one.
The Kingdom of God is within you.
It is this that I want to make you conscious of. When you are actually
conscious of this you have reached the point where all is possible. In other
words, “You have been given dominion over all things.”
When you see that the happiness you are seeking is hidden within your
own limitation, to expand that limitation into the unlimited which is within
yourself is the only way of realising pure life.
There is no mystery to anything which you understand. But those
who make mysteries of what they teach do so with the obvious intention of
mystifying you and is proof that the truth is not understood by them.
I am making this effort to enlighten you of the truth that will make
you free from all limitation.
These few paragraphs are signposts on the way and I would ask you to
study them carefully so that the true meaning will be established in you.
1. The voice of the Christ is far-reaching. It reaches far and near,
for it is the omnipresence, wherever the Father is, so am “I.”
2. The power of The Christ in you is developed through first
recognition then realization followed by a period of quiet to become more
aware of the Presence of the Lord thy God.
3. You must come out of your material or business life to rest awhile
in the Kingdom of God, knowing that you are steadfastly growing and unfolding
the true life and power of The Christ that wants to manifest in your life.
4. This state is not one of blankness or a state of nothingness as
advised by some, neither is it one of strain in trying to force acceptance upon the
consciousness without understanding. These extremes must be avoided.
5. Hold in your heart a stillness that is alive with true understanding,
that there can be no separation between you and God. Say in your heart, “It is
the Father that ever remains in me, is doing the work.” This unites your individual
consciousness with the omnipresence.
6. Hold the attitude in all you undertake that God never fails, it is He
Who worketh in you. In this realization all is possible to you with God. By