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                    Sanctuary Register for swollen feet and swollen hands has been completely
                    cured and my own illness has gone entirely. God bless you and your work.”
                           From Bloemfontein this Letter comes—“My husband and I wish to

                    express our heartfelt thanks for helping us through a very anxious time. We thank
                    God for his Goodness in restoring our daughter to us. I was convinced from
                    the first that the Sanctuary could help us. Also thank you for the wonderful
                    Monthly Letters. God bless you and your work and for answering our call.”

                           These are a few of the many letters received this month I wish to thank
                    you all for sending in these letters telling us of the wonderful results of our
                    work in which we are all partners.

                                   HOW TO PLAN AND GUIDE YOUR LIFE

                           This is a subject of immense importance to everyone and no regular
                    set method can be devised as a means to an end. But what I have to say in
                    this letter will help you to use a method that suits your own peculiar make-up.

                           In the first place I will enumerate the ways most people use up their
                    time on earth.
                           Most people are struggling through life trying to make ends meet.
                    Some accumulate wealth and lose their health in accumulating it, because

                    of the emotions generated by gain and loss.
                           Some haphazardly waddle their way through Life, as long as they
                    get a bed and three meals a day they are satisfied, a newspaper, a novel and a

                    love affair thrown in, this is the sum total of their existence. A life without
                           Some practice asceticism in some form or another, by doing so they
                    think they can gain the illusion they call happiness, thus some dawdle their

                    life away in useless dreaming.
                           Only by a full active life achieving the highest that is within us can we
                    say we have done anything in life.

                           Much is said against building castles in the air and the trouble with
                    most people given to this building, is that they do part of the work, a very
                    necessary part, but fail to do the other most necessary part of producing,

                    establishing and achieving.
                           Many think but never act. You must both think and act. These must
                    be joined in your creative ability to manifest.

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