P. 86
To theorizing there is no end. Anyone can invent theories. Many books
are filled with them, about the Spiritual Life, about Truth. Theories are inventions of
the mind and are not Truth. Neither should we be interested whether one is a
Christian, a Jew, a Hindu or a Mohammedan; these are but patterns to which
the human mind conforms, that which you worship destroys your power
to think. It is people that live, not theories or divisions!
Is it not true that we have created a social structure, which demands,
adaptation and conformity and thus we are caught up in the net of our own
creations, the outcome of our own desires and illusions.
We have become mere cogs in a machine because we exist without
the ecstasy of living in the “Presence.” We are forever suppressing and
destroying our own creative understanding, hence the utter misery and chaos
in the world.
It is not what I say or what another may say, that enables you to arrive at
the truth, only by your own discernment of that which is utterly false. Freedom
and happiness is within ourselves and we can find it by true examination,
by being impartial, free from beliefs and prejudices.
We must use our inherent gift of pure thought, if, we are to accomplish
the so-called impossible—the ecstasy of complete freedom. When you cling
to your divisions, your ideas, you call it your path or my path. The division
of “your way” and “my way” is born of ignorance and illusion and we make
our choice with a mind that is attached to a particular idea or system against
others who are doing the same, thus we create prejudices, antagonisms, and
you will observe that this is not thinking. Only when the mind is entirely free
can we recognise the intrinsic value of any idea.
Love and Wisdom cannot be understood through division, through
systems or creeds or distinctions. If you look into a mind that is attached to any
of these you will see how rigid it is in its beliefs, this is truly ignorance.
The idea of tolerance is but an invention, which covers up the conflict
arising out of false divisions. Where there is real affection, real understanding,
there is no need for tolerance.
True Spirituality is dwelling in the “Presence” in our daily living,
freed from all separation, ideas, theories and beliefs, by living in the
Presence, the Presence which in Itself is all complete, expressing Itself in
the full. This Everlasting Reality can only be understood in the fullness of
the present, not past or future, but by allowing the “Presence” to express Itself
without hindrance. NOW. “I am the Life.”