P. 83
I have been asked to write on the causes of separation in the world and
what is true Spirituality.
When we realize the “Presence” that is Eternal and Ever-present and
which is the only living, existing and Creative Force in all Nature we readily see
that the divisions in humanity have their roots in the different creeds, systems and
nationalities, and not in the “Presence” where there can be no division.
For instance if you were born a Hindu or a Chinese you would probably
follow the Buddhist religion. If you were born an Arab you would become
a Mohammedan. If you were born a Jew You would follow Judaism. If born a
European you would probably follow the Christian religion.
Because of the rigid orthodoxy of these differing creeds the unity of
the masses is prevented. Only those who have thought for themselves, and
have advanced beyond the antagonisms of the differing cults can see the
fundamental unity of all humanity at the root. As more and more people
begin to think for themselves, so will the true expression of the Divine Spirit in
man manifest.
Figures mean the same thing in all languages, the problem when
correctly worked out must come to the same conclusion. So it is the same
with the Truth, there can be no duality in the conclusion, there can be
no distinction in the result.
We are not separated in Truth, we are separated only by the different
theories held in regard to it. We do not quarrel over the fact that we are alive,
that we are human beings so when we are able to reason to the ultimate we
escape the limitations created by false doctrines. Any doctrine that creates
antagonisms and separation between one person and another must necessarily
be false, when we realize the source of all Life is ‘ONE’.
It is only in the completeness of our understanding of ourselves, in
our relation to the Creator and our relation to others, that gives us the freedom
of Truth. We must discern deeply our thoughts! Are they moving towards
beliefs and opinions of others, or are they deeply concerned with Reality?
We are only able to free ourselves from limitation when we are deeply concerned
with Reality. But if we are caught up in the different creeds, nationalities, beliefs
and imitations or become dependent on others for our thinking, we bring
separation, sorrow and conflict into the world.
Therefore our freedom comes through our own self-reliance in the
awareness of our oneness with God the Creator of All, and on the other