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appear some years after the initial cause, it is sometimes very difficult to search
out the main cause. That is why analysis has so often failed, while a knowledge
of the truth can completely revolutionise the victim’s life and release fears
and phobias on a higher level.
They completely disappear as one gets a better understanding of Life.
The submerged stream in the subconscious or the unconscious, if you like the
term better, is sublimated and freedom is obtained.
In many cases which fail through analysis I find it easy to establish a
state of balance by showing that the victims are the object of their own illusions,
and when they get a complete view of themselves being one with God,
impossible of separation, there is a distinct relief. This relief often enables them
to speak or talk about themselves. I do not attach great importance to what
they say except when something appears vividly to me.
For instance, in a lady who suffered with a severe skin trouble for many
years, which baffled all medical science as well as psychiatrists, I noted a
strain of antagonism in her make-up against a near relative. I told her that when
she forgave this relative and made amends and accepted the injustice done
to her and she herself became unselfish, a perfect balance would be established
and she would become whole.
She immediately went away and made amends and returned in a week
to me perfectly whole.
Now this lady through her own experience has helped hundreds of
people who suffered in the same way, not always with the same symptoms but
nevertheless the same cause. Hundreds of other similar cases I could mention
of so-called incurable troubles, these troubles vanish as by magic when a true state
of harmony is established within.
Many cases are the result of a desire to forget all about a distressing
incident. A large amount of nervous energy is used up in holding back this
distressing experience from the notice of the personal consciousness. By
forcing the memory up to the conscious, the cordon of repressing energy is
broken through, this energy is no longer required and is released for constructive
action in the body.
When we face awful facts fairly and squarely, they become harmless.
But the great danger with ordinary psychiatry is to allow the patient to go without
giving him or her a true foundation of his or her spiritual self, thus the cure
is only half done. The complete cure comes through the understanding of the truth
about themselves.