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faint when adverse news reaches them. I have seen people unable to eat their
food when some remark was made at the table. I know that many illnesses are
caused in this way. I meet it every day in my work of healing. For most cases
the doctor prescribes medicines, which have little or no effect, yet how easy these
people are healed by relieving their minds through the truth of their Divine Nature.
“Our Father who art in Heaven.” This is the common ground upon which we
all stand. The Master said this when he prayed. He also said, “He who doeth the
will of my Father is my mother, my sister, my brother.”
Fear has the effect of closing up the channels of the body so that the Life
Forces flow in a slow and sluggish manner. Understanding, faith and hope open up
the channels of the body and the Life Forces go bounding through and disease
is cleared away.
People who have no forgiveness in their hearts create disease in
themselves. I have known people who suffered from unknown diseases being
speedily cured by forgiving all, and expressing love to all especially those who
had done them an injury. The path of Love through the soul is a builder of good
health and happiness.
Kindness, Love, Goodwill, Faith, Hope, Cheerfulness, etc, create a
harmonious chemicalization of the mind and body, excites the healthy flow of
all the secretions and opens up the nervous system so that the Life Forces reach
throughout the whole organism.
A method that I have advocated with unbounded success to many
people with so-called incurable troubles is to lie down in the open air and
breathe repeating the words, “Divine Life fills me.” Say it so often that it
becomes an actual fact. What we say with conviction is out pictured in action.
The reason is that the physical body is a mechanism specially adapted for the
transmission of the inner or mental action into modes of external actively,
the whole body is traversed by a network of nerves which serve as channels of
communication between the indwelling Spiritual life Consciousness and the
function of the external organism.
In my next letter I will continue further explanation of the healing
Remember that at all times the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power is
at your service. The many healings done through this agency are remarkable.
Hundreds of names are added to our register each month. God has blessed
our work, and to Him alone we dedicate ourselves so that the Almighty power
will manifest through the sanctuary in all its power and glory.