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to us from it’s Source and if we can be aware of it in every cell in our bodies, It
is there according to our awareness of It.
Secondly, Divine Spirit is perfect in its expression and is expressing
itself continually through us. It does not have to be urged, It only needs our
understanding and co-operation, the more we are aware of this the more powerful
will It show Itself in our minds and bodies. The most practical application of
the Healing Power is to understand that pure Spirit is present in Its entirety
at any point simultaneously, that is to say that in me and in you this Spirit is
in Its entirety now and is pure and perfect. When I am aware of this, and
as there is no separation between us, it must affect you as well as it affects me.
If you consciously become aware of this then you will help everyone whom
you think of at that moment.
Thirdly, Spiritual Forces come to our aid immediately we ask for help,
because when a call goes out to God it reaches the very centre of His Being
and is returned outwardly to us through His administering Angels similarly as
when for instance you cut your finger, a message reaches your brain immediately
and then from the brain messages are sent all over the body to bring aid and
healing to the part affected. There is an Intelligence at work all the time for
our benefit, this Intelligence is the predetermined knowing of the Infinite,
“the knowing how.”
The fourth part I wish to point out to you is that suggestion has a
tremendous effect upon our minds and bodies. The most wonderful forces are
set in operation through this agency also the same agency can do untold harm.
The majority of people are malpractising themselves and others. What I mean
by malpractising is if you see someone suffering from a disease that is considered
incurable you think of the disease and forget that pure Spirit is present in its
entirety at every point simultaneously, thus you are malpractising. By thinking
of a disease as permanent, people condemn themselves and others. Thoughts
are things and are absorbed by the minds of others, especially the sufferers, the
very expression on your face reveals what you are thinking. Remember the
tongue of the wise is health.
If you have an illness or others are affected you must see at once your
Divine Nature and that same Divine Nature in others. Free your own minds from
disease and you will free others also. Unless your mind is clear in regard to this
you will still be in the prison of your own making.
We heal through the truth that God is Life and He alone lives and He is