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                    the letter arrives and we read it to them. They are just as eager as we are for
                    the next letter to arrive. Thanks ever so much for the help given to the friends
                    we asked for help for; their recovery was beyond our expectation.”

                           These are a few of the many letters we have received this month from
                    all over the world. Thanks ever so much for writing to me. It makes me feel
                    that our work is being appreciated and this makes me very happy indeed.
                    Naturally I cannot include all your letters, these have been taken at random, to

                    be included in this months letter. Many thanks.
                           A personal letter of thanks is sent out to all those who donate to this
                    work. If you have not received such a letter please communicate with us

                    as it may have been over looked.
                           In this letter I will deal with healing because we have had many hundreds of

                    letters asking for healings of all, kinds, and there has been many wonderful
                    results. I feel that a letter to you on this subject will be helpful.
                           To apply the healing power effectively we must realize the fountain

                    from which it pours forth; with this knowledge courage and faith is built up.
                    Knowledge is the key to this most wonderful power and thus fortifies the faith.
                    Blind faith is so often weakened through lack of understanding and doubt takes
                    its place. That is why I have in the past gone into details with reference to truth

                    as it really is, and I would suggest to you to keep all these monthly letters and
                    have them bound at the end of the year so as to preserve them, then go back and
                    read them over again and I am sure that you will get a greater understanding.

                           Remember that every thought, every reaction, every movement causes
                    a change in the body through a chemical reaction. Unless we can discern our
                    thinking and our emotional reactions we are bound to suffer. If we can become
                    aware of our thoughts, what they are and the motives behind them, our fears,

                    and discern the cause of them, they will loosen their hold on us. Yet the main
                    thing in healing is to know the truth that will set you free.
                           In the first place we must know that the Divine Spirit in man is

                    inexhaustible and infallible. It is Ever-present in the NOW and not only some
                    future time. Spirit is always active in the Ever-present now. It is perfect
                    Intelligence and is out picturing at all times the Divine Design, “made from his

                    image and likeness,” It knows all and is able to restore organs even when they
                    have passed all artificial or material aid. The fact that there is no separation
                    between us and the Divine Ever-present, this life is forever being mediated

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