P. 66

JULY 1948

                    God alone lives. But we cannot realize this feeling until we discern the falseness that
                    surrounds us, and in which we are submerged. Rebelling against conditions
                    does not remove them, we must know them for what they are and understand

                    the cause, and as these causes are discerned and dissolved the true shall appear
                    because it is always there, only hidden by our beliefs of that which is false.
                           We do not disagree over the fact that we are alive, that we are human
                    beings, we only disagree over our beliefs. We never disagree over that which is

                    true we only disagree on that which is false, and when we look into the matter
                    deeply enough, we will see how true it is.
                           With reference to disease most people cling to the name of a disease giving it

                    an identity; by giving it an identity we are merely accepting another’s opinion
                    or belief, and we will observe that this is not thinking nor understanding.
                           The happiness of mankind is not increased by opinions founded upon

                    ignorance and beliefs in theories of those who cannot heal the sick or relieve
                    the troubled mind which is caught up in the net of emotion, imitation and
                    craving. The sick in mind and body are cured by giving them the Bread of

                    Life. Jesus says, “Man is himself the field, his deeds are seeds and what he
                    does to others grows apace. The harvest is sure and he must reap what he has
                    sown.” “The fruit of peace and love can never spring from noxious weeds,
                    the fruit is like the seed.” “Each one has problems to be solved, he must

                    solve them for himself.”
                           The individual begins to solve his problems when he begins to think.
                    When we begin to discern our beliefs, thought, emotions, reactions that hinder

                    the expression of the “Presence,” then the Presence begins to flood the
                           Through the neurons of the brain, through the nervous system, through
                    the whole cell structure of the body the presence makes Itself felt. But if our mind is

                    caught up in greed, craving, names of diseases, caught up in beliefs, hell, the
                    devil and good and evil, we are sowing the seeds of our own misery.
                           We are instructed not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good

                    and Evil but to take hold of the Tree of Life and this shall be our salvation.
                           The only value criticism has is when it is directed towards the self,
                    thus we are better able to see how to help others. “How can you see the splinter

                    in your brother’s eye when you have chunks within your own.” “And while
                    your eyes are full of foreign things you cannot see the way for you are blind.”
                    If you would lead the way to God you must be clear in sight as well as pure in


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