P. 65
*In this letter we will do some clear thinking for this alone can lead us to
the understanding of the Truth.
Through the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing power wonderful results
have been obtained already, because of the fact that you who are working
in the Sanctuary all over the world have brought into being Divine reasoning
and with this, Divine feeling. These two are the essence of Divine action and
Divine action leads the way to a better world, a greater and finer world which
we are all helping to build.
When we consider that the Sanctuary started only a few months ago,
and since then the numbers have run into thousands, we expected such
phenomenal results, as we knew that success was assured because of the
exalted Spiritual Forces which are behind this great movement.
We are told that thousands of Spiritual Beings are working in the
Sanctuary in conjunction with us on this plane. It would be helpful if you
would read the particulars again, which were sent out in the beginning so
as to grasp the great significance of this work.
It is desirable that you get a true understanding and this is mainly why in
this letter we will do some clear thinking.
I have stated to you before that unless we can discern the false we will
not understand the true. If we live in a limited state of mind, brought about
by submission and imitation through education religious beliefs, philosophy,
public opinion and tradition, we will not escape the miseries that we ourselves
We may seek an escape from the prison of our own making by
accepting the idea that The Divine Nature can and will release us from our
prison. Yet if we do not discover the cause of our miseries we only bring the
idea into our prison and we are still bound by it.
If we have a belief that we feel binds us through fear, and someone
comes along with a similar belief which gives greater freedom and we accept
this belief in place of the old we are only enticed into their prison and we are
still bound. We are not thinking for ourselves, we are only caught-up in the net
of their belief. Anything that separates us from our brothers and sisters is a
falsehood and a prison.
In our previous letter we were shown that God is Infinite and to be
so He must be everything and there cannot be anything that is not infinite,
and the only living presence in everyone must be the Infinite Presence because
* See Note on page 68