P. 62
JUNE 1948
world, a world sick and disabled and depressed. Anyone can see that the
ravaging effects are world wide, revealing a deep underlying error in our
whole civilization. Yet we know that this will eat itself out in the end, and will
be the means of mankind discerning his own mistakes, that man may please
himself for a while but in the end he finds that the only way to peace and
happiness is to please God. “For he maketh the sun to rise on the evil and
on the good and sendeth the rain to the Just and the unjust.”
True statesmanship requires clear thinking from cause to effect and
this cannot be done by those who are merely politicians, who make vain attempts
to solve problems without understanding the fundamental laws governing
human life. So the masses become the victims of their own ignorance, being
unaware of the power of the law of properly directed thought, they hold on
to their old fixed mental habits and become deceived by propaganda.
Our habits of thought must be studied, understood and corrected; not
until our thoughts become truly intelligent can we have results that will satisfy
the human heart.
We place our confidence in those who are ignorant of the true law of
Life, we ignorantly pin our faith in the power of things seen, the power of
things already created, remaining blind to the fact that these things are but
effects of thought and ideas in the mind of man. These things are not the source
from which we should draw to “live” to “think” to “reason”, being effects
and not causes and have no power except the power we give them.
On account of our lack of understanding the truth that we must identify
ourselves with our Creator first of all, we have become the victim of our own
creation. Yet through this state of things we will be led through discernment
into the true Law of Life which is the only sure foundation for the assurance of
health, happiness, and prosperity and a civilized civilization, for you cannot say
that we are civilized in the face of what is happening in the world today.
If our civilization with its rail roads, steamship, airships, great cities
and modern inventions is to evade the fate of bygone civilizations we must
at once recognise the importance of the spiritual as the source of material things
and that correct thinking in accordance with the Higher Intelligence will bring
fruitful results. We will then be true instruments in the hands of an Intelligence
that is all-Intelligent and He makes His wishes known to us through our under-
standing that we are made in His likeness. “For if you 1ove only those who
love you what credit is that to you.” These are the words of the Master whose
ideas were the essence of logic. He showed the meaning and purpose of man’s