P. 58

MAY 1948

                           Realize that the ether of space is the unparticled sea of Divine Mind
                    and flows according to the direction given to it both by God and by you. It
                    moves in the direction in which it is sent. This ether is the medium in which all

                    things are created and through which all things are connected. It does not
                    impair or retard the force you send into it, and it brings back to you precisely
                    what you send forth. It transmits all mental currents from one to another, from
                    Angels to men and from men to Angels. No wave or thought vibration can

                    be impaired. Through the ether we can contact anyone, to heal or help those
                    who ask. Through the ether we can contact spiritual forces in a fraction of a
                    second and their aid is given immediately. Jesus said, “I have only to ask and

                    legions will come to mine aid.” Now try to realize what I have given you. It is
                    better than rare sliver and the rarest of gold, for no treasure is like unto it.
                           “Reverence for the Eternal trains man to be wise, and to be humble

                    is the way to honour.”
                           Jesus says to us, in other words to his disciples, “As the Father hath
                    loved me so have I Loved you, that ye love one another as I have loved you

                    that ye also love one another.”


                           O, Christ, thou rarest of hearts, thou didst sail on the stormy sea of
                    prejudiced minds, yet thou shed the aroma of goodness and forgiveness, so
                    helping all through example to become like thee, and now we know that our

                    Father in Heaven is the only Father of all. For thou didst say, “For whosoever
                    does the will of the Father in heaven is my brother, my sister and my mother”
                    showing that there is but one “Presence” in all.
                           The mighty miracle of love is established in our hearts when we realize

                    the magical words, “Forgive them for they know not what they do” “as much
                    as ye do unto one of these so do you unto me.”
                           Oh, Beloved One, wandering hearts are seeking the one fold of Thy

                    Divine Love that heals all, and have heard Thee ever calling with Thy Infinite
                    Kindness to be at home with Thee in our Fathers house of Love where we all
                    rejoice together. There we shall know Thee to be our brother who showed us

                    that Love is the only way to everlasting happiness.
                                              PEACE BE WITH YOU
                                                                                    Yours sincerely,

                                                                     M. MacDONALD-BAYNE

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