P. 54

May 1948

                    My dear friends,

                           The Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power has taken another leap
                    forward this month. Owing to the anxiety during the prevalent epidemic we
                    have had a shower of requests for help from all over the country. Our overseas
                    mail is also piling up and we thank all those who sent in letters of grateful

                    thanks for the help received. We also thank you for your great help in the
                    realization of the Divine Nature through your daily meditations which are of
                    great help in aiding people throughout the world. This invisible power is not

                    only helping them Spiritually, mentally, and physically but also showing the world
                    that peace is a Divine blessing.
                           I am just giving you a few extracts from letters received this month.

                           “All my life I have suffered from asthma but since I have placed my
                    name on the Sanctuary Register I have not had one attack. I am indeed grateful
                    for this wonderful help.”

                           “Sometime ago I fell and broke my hip. At the time I was suffering
                    from cancer of the bone. The Doctor told my husband that it was doubtful
                    if the leg would ever heal, but when the Sanctuary got to work on me my
                    leg healed in double-quick time to the amazement of the medical profession.

                    They then also pronounced the verdict that the cancer had left the bone
                    altogether. This is a extraordinary and wonderful demonstration.”
                           “In December last year I took very ill with stomach trouble which was

                    diagnosed as a duodenal ulcer. I could not eat anything and the pain was
                    excruciating. From the moment my name was placed on the Sanctuary Register
                    I have felt no pain and am now eating normally. The Sanctuary is a blessing to

                           “My mother has fully recovered. Thanks so much for your help.”
                           “My baby is now well: wonderful to say the least. God bless the

                           There are many, many more letters, all of a like nature and we will
                    continue to publish a few of those that arrive every month. As you will under-
                    stand, space is limited and we only describe a few of them although we would

                    like to describe hundreds to you.
                           The other day I was in the company of several people, all animated with

                    a friendly spirit, there was perfect harmony until one said he was of a certain

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