P. 51


                           The Infinite to be Infinite must include all, there cannot be any outside.
                    All must be in the Infinite and all must be Infinite, every particle of substance
                    we see or feel and that which is beyond our sight and touch must be Infinite in

                    nature, therefore there is not one particle of the Universe, not one particle
                    of substance, that can be destroyed. It may change its form and in so doing, we,
                    being ignorant of the Law of Transition (changing from one form to another) call
                    this “death and decay” and many other names, but science has proved to us that all

                    matter is energy and has an atomic base and is indestructible in nature. Solids
                    may turn to fluids, fluids may turn to vapour and vapour to the ether of space yet the
                    same base that made solid matter still remains and this fills boundless space. Only

                    the vibration is changed, therefore the Life Consciousness or Infinite which
                    becomes all forms is eternal in nature, expressing itself in a variety of forms, then we
                    realize that the individual consciousness can be none other than the Infinite

                    Consciousness itself individualized. That is why you and I are indestructible,
                    our consciousness will remain to unfold in the Eternal Infinite Being by giving
                    greater and fuller expression to the Infinite Life as we realize it more and

                           Jesus taught in parables as it was impossible to unveil the Truth to the
                    masses. Although he taught his disciples the inner working of the Laws yet
                    he told them that the real significance of what he taught would be revealed by

                    the Spirit within themselves. The time would come when the inner meaning of
                    his words would dawn upon them and so it is with us, and when this happens
                    we wonder why we did not discern his true meaning long ago.

                           The trouble is that most people cling to their experiences and disregard
                    the truth of their being with the result that they ignorantly use the creative
                    power to produce more and more negative experiences and then rebel, not
                    knowing that they themselves are the creators. This discovery cannot be made

                    for us; we must find it ourselves.
                           This is shown clearly in the parable of the prodigal Son. The state of
                    sonship had never altered for either of the two brothers but in different ways they

                    each missed the true position as sons. One limited himself by separating off a
                    particular share of the Fathers goods for himself and because he accepted his
                    portion as a limited share instead of the whole, his share was speedily exhausted

                    leaving him in misery and want. He went off on his own into the wilderness of
                    his intellect and lost sight of the Father who was his very life and substance. The
                    other brother limited himself by supposing that he had no power to draw

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