P. 49

April 1948

                    My dear friends,

                           This month has been a glorious month, hundreds of names have been
                    added to the Sanctuary and the work done has been phenomenal. We are

                    indeed glad to report this to you, because of the fact that you are tuning in
                    to these Sanctuary times which is on every three-hour period from 12 o’clock
                    noon right round the clock (some are tuning in at one period and others at

                    another), therefore we have a complete Healing Force in operation all the
                    time with the result that many letters have been received and I am quoting
                    just a few here.

                           “I am happy now to say I am perfectly well and back at school with
                    a strange new happiness in my heart. I am deeply grateful for the wonderful healing
                    received through the Sanctuary.”

                           “My mother and father are now in the best of health and spirits. My
                    father’s leg is stronger than ever, his appetite has returned and he is now a
                    new man. Thank you.”
                           “My hearing has improved enormously. I am so thankful that I put my

                    name down on the Sanctuary Register for your marvellous help. I am most
                    grateful for all you did. It is lovely to think that I am privileged to belong to
                    the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. God bless you.”

                           “Ever so many thanks for your monthly letter which I love to receive. They
                    have been a source of inspiration and I am looking forward to them now each
                    month. I pass them along to my friends and they are enjoying them immensely. In
                    fact both their outlook and health have greatly improved. I am teaching mentally

                    deficient children and with the Sanctuary help they are slowly and surely improving
                    every day. Many are learning to read and write and all are learning to be sociable
                    and co-operative and to love life. Thank you ever so much.”

                           “I want to report to the Sanctuary that my boy of five years is now
                    perfectly well again and taking his food without any trouble whatsoever.”
                           “My little son became suddenly very ill with a temperature of 105.

                    We were distracted, the Doctor wanted to wait further developments. When
                    I telephoned for help a miracle happened, fifteen minutes afterwards the boy
                    was completely well.”

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