P. 47


                           The trouble with most people is that they do not take this great Truth
                    into consideration and if they did they fear that they might be considered
                    foolish, but this is the stupid intellect at work.

                           The intellectuals you will notice are mostly devoid of wisdom and are
                    self-opinionated in their own ignorance.
                           The only requirement of the Creative Mind is that we include It in all
                    our plans and schemes, even though its activities are unseen, they become

                    known only through the results. But one thing you can be sure of is whatever is
                    dominant in your consciousness so it must come forth because of the Law
                    of the Creative Power inherent in you.

                           The formula is, “whatever you are aware of so the Active Principle of
                    Life will bring it forth in the substance, and the only substance is the Universal

                           Therefore you must use the faculties that God has placed in you by
                    virtue of His Presence and with the will of God intelligently play your part
                    in His predetermined Scheme of Creation, consciously co-operating with Him,

                    thereby fulfilling your own Spiritual and material needs, “what is mine is thine.”
                    And because there are different degrees of understanding so are there varying
                    degrees of faith and consequently corresponding degrees of success.
                           The Christ is your pattern and if you will look into your mind in the

                    light of what I have said you will see what is hindering you. Great work lies
                    before you, and you are assured that you are not alone for God and you are
                    working together, and it cannot be otherwise, for without Him you could not

                    exist and if you were in any way separate from Him He could not be Infinite
                    and this is proof of what Jesus said when he saw this Truth, “the Father and
                    I are one.”
                           This offers to you peace, power, strength, and beauty, and to assert

                    your claim you must take possession of your inheritance.
                           Refuse to accept the heredity of the habitual erroneous thinking, a
                    legacy left by the intellect of your forefathers, and claim the heredity of

                    your Divine Nature which is urging you continually to accept your share
                    of the unlimited resources which are ready to flow into everyone capable
                    of receiving. The doorway is the consciousness—the individualization of the

                    Conscious Life of God—and is capable of realizing and recognizing itself.
                    This is your creative Power and through this alone f1ows the inexhaustible
                    resources of the Almighty.

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