P. 52
APRIL 1948
upon his Father’s stores but must wait until some specific occasion arose so
that he may ask permission to do so, not realizing that it was his inherent
right to partake of all that he needed and it was the Father’s pleasure to give
“All that is mine is thine.”
The younger son took up the false idea of independence, thinking that he
could do well on his own, while the other although staying in the Father’s house
thought he had no independence at all. The younger son finds his dependence
on his own resources fail him miserably so he returns to find that he still has a
position of honour and is capable of receiving all in the Father’s house.
The other son rebuked by the simple words “All that is mine is thine,
why wait for me to give you what is yours already.”
You see it is impossible to make a more clear statement of the relations
between the universal and the individual mind, both are interlocked together
and are impossible of separation. The Universal gives rise to the individual
and the individual expression to the Universal, therefore the individual acting
Universal can draw whatever the individual requires but before this can be
done the true relationship must be rea1ized. This is the birthright given to
us by our Father. We live in the Father and there can be no other home for
He is Infinite and the only way the Father can express Himself through us
is our awareness of the Father united in us, and whatever we ask the Father
will provide. But this law of recognition must be maintained against all doubt
or against disappointment for the Father’s ways are not ours. He knows best
and the way is found when we hold on. “What man is there of you when if
his son asks bread will give him a serpent. If ye then being ignorant know how
to give good things unto your children, how much shall your Father which
is in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”
We now see clearly the simple fact that the only possible action of the
Universal Mind or Life Principal must be to always press upon us a fuller
and fuller expression of Itself in strict accordance with the condition each
individual provides for its manifestation. When we realize that the foundation
of His expression rests in a harmonious state of mind, we can easily grasp
the condition we have to maintain so that this expression shall be complete. If
there are conditions in your life that prevent this true expression, discern then
quietly, do not struggle with them but see that they can have no place in the
scheme of things. You will find very soon that fear, anger, jealousy, possessiveness,
anxiety, sickness, and want, all these things will die at the roots because you will no
longer feed them.