P. 50

APRIL 1948

                           “My little daughter was to me exceedingly ill with a temperature of
                    103 and I telephoned you. After treatment she recovered miraculously. You can
                    well understand our anxiety at this time.”

                           These are only a few of the many cases that have been aided during
                    this period.

                           Jesus taught us a definite system of logical reasoning, which would
                    produce in us Divine inspiration and the experience in the mode of action
                    through which God finds expression through the individual. He taught that

                    God and the individual are one, impossible of separation (“The Father and
                    I are one”) and this was the perfect expression of the individual who realised it
                    and what keeps us from enjoying it is simply our ignorance of this fact. Our

                    ignorance of this truth keeps us in bondage to all sorts of limitations.
                           If we live in our past experiences and fear the future we will never
                    know the eternal Present, which is now and always will be now. The great

                    truth that we must see and realise, not just as a mental concept but as a living
                    Reality, is that the Divine mind makes things by becoming these things. Then
                    it follows that Divine Mind must become the individual for it cannot be other
                    than its own natural expression.

                           In the individual and through the individual the Divine is pressing
                    forward into fuller and fuller expression of Itself, therefore becomes fuller and
                    fuller in the life of the individual who realizes it. And anything that limits the

                    expression of the Divine Nature in the individual must also be retarding the
                    progress of the individual, and this retarding progress can only come about
                    by the individual who is ignorant of the great “truth that sets you free,” the
                    individual being the universal in “Individuality”

                           The question that rises in the mind of many is how can this great truth
                    become a reality, how can it be acquired. The way is so simple that it baffles most
                    and the way is that we have only to fully realize it by continuous realization.

                           Now some will exclaim that it is beyond their comprehension and
                    if they did comprehend it, it was far beyond the quality of their faith. Yet it
                    is through this understanding that our faith grows.

                           We take for granted the Life Principle working through our physical
                    organism. We trust Nature’s working laws but when we learn the truth the
                    Master taught we will use our inherent powers by assuming them to be as

                    natural as any other.

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