P. 46
MARCH 1948
Now to understand fully let me make it plain to you in as few words
as possible.
There is only one Mind in the whole Universe—the Infinite Mind—and
this must fill boundless space for to be Infinite It must include all and there
cannot be anything outside it. Therefore we are all in the infinite Mind and
there is no other substance to use—the animating power in that Mind is the
Conscious Life that creates all and is capable of expressing Itself in a variety of
forms and is the only Creative Power there is and this Creative Power is
individualized in us and is capable of realizing Itself.
Science has proved that matter separate from energy does not exist and
changes into other forms of energy without loss of the original force, which
originates in the Infinite Mind. Therefore matter is mind materialized. When
this is grasped by the Consciousness you will see that whatever you create in
fear is just as real as what you create in faith for whatever is dominant in the
mind reproduces itself in the personal Life and circumstance as a natural
sequence of the Law of Cause and Effect.
In the Bible we are shown the allegory of the two trees, which grow
in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the soul of man where these
two trees grow—one is the Tree of Life, the Christ in you, and the other is
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, otherwise the intellect which is
speculative. It is made plain that man must not eat of the fruit of the Tree
of Knowledge of Good and Evil or he would die in his trouble and this is
man’s reaction to the condition he himself creates through his lack of
understanding that the Tree of Life is the only Creative Power.
Eve and Adam, are so closely related as to be represented, as a wedded
pair. This is the soul and body and whatever the soul realized so would it be
produced upon the body. The Tree of Life is the Life of God the only Creative
Power and known to man as the Christ, “I am the Life.” And the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil was man’s conception of things through the
intellect and because he was not aware of the Tree of Life he created for himself
in his ignorance all his own misfortune because of his misconception and
so he fell.
To be free then you must see that there can be no separation between
you and the Father and that you possess the Father’s gifts and nothing can be
accomplished without Him, for we are told that we are made in His image
and likeness.