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that there was a Supreme Existence, a consciousness and bliss which was
not merely a negative thing, neither was it a static or featureless Absolute, but a
dynamic and complete Reality which was the only truth underlying the whole
of humanity.
In his recognition of this Divine Consciousness he realized it not only
beyond but here, and the acceptance of this Divine guidance was his aim. It
was not a mere mental theory for by his own experience he knew that one who
is in contact with the higher light can follow the way no matter how difficult it
may be for the lower nature to follow.
This was the basis of his teaching so that all, no matter what or who they
were or what they had done in their lives, good or bad, could come into this
blessed realisation of the Presence of the Divine within them and with this
understanding all that was false would be discerned and dissolved away. His
parable of the Prodigal Son was the evidence of this fact. His reason and devotion
was the way to implicit faith and surrender to the Divine and everlasting Presence.
He showed that reliance, surrender and self-giving to the Divine Power was
necessary and indispensable, but he also showed that reliance upon the Divine
must not be made an excuse for indolence, weakness and surrender to every
whim of the mind, but it must move along with untiring aspiration and persistent
discernment, and the dissolving of all that comes in the way of Divine Truth, nor
does it mean that one can become idle waiting for the Lord to act for them.
The individual is the channel through which action must come. In his
own words, “I must be about my Father’s business,” he showed that we had
only to aspire to keep ourselves open to the Divine, so that the Divine should
work in and through us doing our work no matter in what capacity. And if
we remain open, in this way, the knowledge and realisation would come.
If the mind is full of theories and the heart full of antagonism these
have to be abandoned before the true light can dawn upon you. Therefore
patience is required to rid yourselves of these things; otherwise the effort may
be abandoned owing to difficulty at the beginning.
It is not easy to throw out of the mind ideas that have grown up with
you since infancy but if you look into your mind and heart you will see what it
is that hinders you from accepting that Divine Nature that is present in everyone and
antagonistic to none.
So first of all look into your heart and mind and see if there is anything
there that in any way separates you from anyone, any enmity, envy, jealousy,
any antagonism, any belief, religious or otherwise, that hinders your acceptance