P. 39
February 1948
It is lovely to see so many letters coming in from all over the world,
grateful letters for the help received in sickness and trouble. Contributions are
coming in from those who are desirous that the work may go on expanding
more and more. Hundreds of names have been placed on the Register this
month for help and guidance in all phases of life.
Here are extracts from Just a few of the letters received.
One person writes: “Many thanks for your wonderfully inspiring monthly
letter. Our lives have been completely changed. The home is a happy one now;
different to what it was before we registered with the Sanctuary of the Silent
Healing Power. My husband and I have read all kinds of literature, magazines
and papers sent to us but never struck the note that could give us that true
understanding like your letters do. God bless you.”
Another person writes: (this was a case of infantile paralysis) “R.S.
recovered miraculously. The doctor said he was now out of danger while 48
hours before he had very little hope of living, this most amazing recovery
all in two days. Doctor and nurse are amazed beyond words.”
Another “This letter is to thank you for the most remarkable recovery of
my mother whose name I sent in to you. No human ingenuity can contemplate
so great an achievement. Praise be to God for his Almighty Power.
“I wrote to you a week ago asking you to put my sisters name on the
Register. She was given up by the doctors. Today my sister came to see me hale
and hearty. She told me that she seemed to recover quite suddenly….with
grateful thanks for the help I myself have received from your book and from
the Sanctuary letters. Blessings.”
*Paul says, “Let the mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ.” When
we are able to discern the cause of our trouble we will see that we ourselves are
responsible and in this letter we will look into the mind of the man of Galilee
and there find the secret of peace, freedom and power.
Fear in one’s heart is but the absence of Reality or Truth of being and
some fear more than others but when we begin to discern the cause of our
fears they disappear. For we will see that fear is always the result of some false
movement in the mind, a belief, a superstition, or lack of faith. Yet faith is not
so easily acquired as many people think. Faith is the result of understanding
* See Notes on page 42