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flesh. We see clearly that the word is the presence of God in us and that the
body is the substance of God for we are also told that the body is the Temple of
the Living God.
Now prayer to be effective must be expressed with this understanding,
that is why Jesus said “You are worshipping something you do not know but
we are worshipping what we do know,” therefore prayer is not a petition, a
demand or a command but is a process of Divine co-operation opening up
to receive the Divine Blessings that are ever being mediated to every living soul
from the great source of life and love.
It will be observed that to repeat a prayer or read one parrot fashion
is of little value in gaining this blessing when the essential thing is that the heart
should feel Truth, for where the heart is set the mind does not wander.
If your prayer is to be effective you must realise that God is not a deity
that is external to yourself and far from your reach and that you have to beseech
him to come from a great distance and with the doubt that he may ever reach
you. You must realise that God is your Father and Mother, the very essence of
the one Life that sustains you and makes you a conscious Living Being. To
become conscious of this essence of Love redeems us all.
Jesus was the greatest exponent of the power of prayer and his attitude
gives us the key. “The Father and I are one.” “It is the Father who ever
remaineth in me who is performing his own deeds.” “No ye not that I am in the
Father and the Father is in me.”
The eternal fundamental principle inherent in all things is attraction.
Love attracts Love, hate attracts hate, thoughts attract their kind. It is because
of this great principle that every philosophy, every religion and every science
has proclaimed “Love” the highest attainment because through it all things are
possible, it being the only Reality. To love is to feel and to feel is the moving
force behind thought. Hate carried the germ of its own destruction but in
its destruction it carries with it sorrow and misery. But thoughts impregnated
with love become invincible, and it is this principle that gives us the dynamic
power and mastery over every adverse human experience.
Paul tells us above all else to make love our aim for it overcometh
all things.
Jesus said “as the Father hath Life then in Himself, so He grants the son
to have life in himself.” This is the all-Creative Life in us. To become aware of
this enables us to pray with understanding and through our awareness of