P. 34

January 1948

                           During this month the Sanctuary has received hundreds of letters of

                    thanks for the help received from lasts month’s letter and many letters telling of
                    healings in every way. We are indeed delighted to know that in such a short space of
                    time so much has been accomplished with the result that further staff have been

                    added to the Sanctuary to cope with the ever-growing work.
                           The value of it lies in the fact that it is spreading from one person to
                    another with the result we are inundated with request for names to be replaced

                    on the register. This is taking place all over the world. Every month there are
                    hundreds of names added to the register.
                           The durability of it lies in the fact that the Sanctuary is so extremely

                    effective. Comfort and joy are being created in many hearts and in the lives of
                    those who read these letters, bring them into contact with a power that although
                    known has not really been understood.
                           Below are just a few of the results obtained and we are always grateful

                    to those who take the trouble to advise us of what the Sanctuary has done for them.
                           One Lady writes to say that for many years she had two growths on her
                    neck and now since she has tuned in to the Sanctuary they have dissolved

                    away while previously they had resisted all types of treatment.
                           A man who had come out from England some months ago could find
                    no home and no employment. The little capital he had brought with him was
                    fast dwindling when he asked for his name to be placed on the Sanctuary

                    Register. The following is a extract from a letter received from him: “You will
                    be glad to hear that I have been granted a beautiful home and employment and
                    we are very happy and grateful.”

                           Another young lad who had a diseased bone in the leg which had been
                    suppurating for years and was steadily getting worse had his name placed on
                    the Register of the Sanctuary when immediately a distinct improvement was

                    noticed. Now after a few weeks the pain and discharge has disappeared and he
                    is able to put his foot on the ground and is beginning to walk.
                           The Letter this month is on Prayer and I am sure it will lead to good


                           In this letter I want to bring to your notice the great truth about prayer.

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