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of this blessed thing that can alone free you and give you peace, freedom and
power. Are you antagonistic to anyone because of his or her belief? Are you
envious of position and rank? Are you jealous of and hateful to others?
When you can discern these movements and know these monsters
for what they are—your own creation—and then call the power and the
Presence of that Love of the Divine to take its abode, then this Divine will
work in you to transform the consciousness for its own true expression which
is the only power there is.
The more the faith is turned towards the Divine presence the quicker
you can effect a change. Success at the beginning may be slow and chequered
by many failures, but this should not daunt you. Be patient and persevering and
success is assured.
Now this cannot be done by thought-control alone for thought-control
is a contraction and not an expansion, neither is it understanding. You must
reason with faith, and with a strong aspiration in the heart, which will bring about
realisation and a feeling in the heart of that Living presence that is all power,
Love and Wisdom. Neither must you rely on your own power alone but on the
grace and power of the Divine presence you adore.
The cause of most failures is because one places too much reliance
on one’s own mind and will. If you can get the habit of silent reliance on the
power of the presence at all times not merely calling it in to support your own
efforts when you need its support most of your difficulties would diminish
and eventually disappear. “It is the Father who ever remaineth within me who
is performing his own deeds.” It is this attitude you must adopt and when
thoroughly understood becomes the habitual thought behind all your doings,
then a new Life will open before you with a confidence that nothing can
The Christ Consciousness is not attained all at once but if you aspire
at all times calling on the Divine presence, that is Ever-present, with a true
heart and straightforward will and well-defined thought, you will grow more
and more into this consciousness. Then the personal effort will be transformed
into a movement of the Divine Force that will astonish all who witness It.
Hypocrisy must be uprooted and this is not easy to do at first, because
the mind is chained to the personality, which is full of defects and pettiness. It
delights itself in social inaccuracies and vain platitudes and repetitions and
when you see what your own mind contains, you will not be so ready to condemn