P. 76

September 1948

                    My dear friends,

                           You will be delighted to hear how wonderful the results have been
                    this month with your help. Over five hundred people have asked for help and

                    this has been given through the Sanctuary with astounding results.
                           T.R.C. writes, “God is wonderful, am feeling a different man altogether.
                    The rupture and kidney trouble have gone. I have put away the truss I was

                    wearing night and day. I thank God for the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing
                           K.G. writes, “we thank God for His tremendous power.  A deaf sister

                    through the Healing Power of the Sanctuary can now hear.  With my sincere
                    love to you.”
                           B.J. writes, “thank you so much for your monthly letter. I look forward

                    to it. It is such a help to me, and a great inspiration. My arm is so much better
                    and I feel the Silent Healing Power at work. May God bless you and all in the
                    Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.”
                           M. McK. writes, “thanks for the wondrous work done for the four

                    of us. We are spreading the good news.”
                           L.A. writes, “immediately I rang for help the temperature that was
                    105 degrees reduced in half an hour to normal and the child is now perfectly

                    well. To us it is a miracle.”
                           E.P. writes, “I thank you for the monthly letters. I must assure you that
                    they are giving me wonderful help and inspiration. I could not do without
                    them now.”

                           M.H. writes, “I have never read anything to compare with the Monthly
                    Letters, Those who have read them with us have derived great benefit, beyond
                    their expectation. I could write pages about the wonderful work that the

                    Sanctuary has done for us.”

                           These are only a few of the many letters received this month and

                    I wish to thank all those who have sent in letters. I appreciate the fact that you
                    have taken the trouble to write a letter of thanks for the help received.

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