P. 91
Have you studied the best and quickest ways of doing the things you do
daily or do you just drudge through life haphazardly?
Have you confidence in your ability to accomplish or are you afraid
to do anything lest you make a mistake?
Is your knowledge born of experience or is it purely theoretical?
Make it a daily habit to establish in yourself the characteristics that are
the foundation of a successful life!
To have initiative and originality is the secret of genius. If you follow the
beaten track you will generally arrive with the mob, but if you explore off
the beaten track there is no knowing what you may find.
Genius means new ideas, new methods, new experiences and new
accomplishments! Are you a rule of thumb person or are you game to come
out in front and have the power to go forward against all criticisms? Only
weaklings are baulked at the first cry of the orthodox critic, the armchair
philosopher or the cannot-be done drone of the stick-in-the-mud.
If there is a tendency towards retreat remember that your roots are
in the Infinite Mind and the Infinite Mind is expressing itself through you,
then if you believe in God you can always believe in yourself, because God
and you are one, and cannot be otherwise. The Infinite Mind of God pours
forth into the mould that we prepare for it. This was the dominant thought
of the Master and it should be the same with you.
Jesus said, “I have glorified Thy name on earth.” In other words, I have
shown what Thou art to all men.
Become one-pointed in regard to life and identify yourself with it and this
verse sums up the question beautifully:
The song of life has its chords and notes,
Rhythm and volume on the ether floats.
Every atom and cell shall surely vibrate
With love and joy as you create with faith.
There is peace within and peace all around,
Discord has vanished and cannot be found.
You always feel happy and free from care,
For the Song of Life is everywhere.