P. 90


                           There is a great law which few people comprehend, that is that we are
                    continually attracting to us from both the seen and unseen conditions most akin
                    to our thoughts. This law is continually operating whether we are conscious of

                    it or not.
                           Sow an act reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character
                    reap a destiny. This is the procedure we establish in ourselves one way or
                    another. The discerning of our thought habits is essential if we are to build

                    that which we truly desire.
                           Habit is a powerful influence in our lives. Some are aware of this
                    and some are not, but all know that when a habit is established how difficult it

                    is to rid oneself of it.
                           By repeating the act the habit is established, it has passed from the
                    conscious realm and has taken up its abode in the subconscious, there to build

                    the character.
                           An honest person is one who has established the habit and the opposite
                    is one who has also established the habit. Imagination is a powerful weapon in

                    the building up of character. When one imagines himself acting in such a way
                    he will generally do so.
                           The qualities of true character are equality, love, kindness and honesty.
                    Equality enables us to view life as it really is. Equality is an admirable quality which

                    one rarely sees; it engenders the true relationship of one to the other and creates
                    a feeling, of kindliness. It is the fragrance of the beautiful rose that gives it
                    enchantment, so it is with one who has the quality of kindness. Should this be

                    missing, the character lacks fragrance.
                           Courage is a quality that all should cultivate for the amount of courage
                    you have so will be the amount of power you will get. This is very important
                    and is well worth remembering.

                           Here are a few questions you can answer for yourselves. Are you
                    poised and calm under all circumstances? Are you swayed or influenced
                    by what others say, against your own better judgement? Can you decide to

                    do that which is best even if it meant a loss to you? Do you place more value in
                    material things than you do in spiritual things? Can you sum up a position quickly
                    and make quick decisions guided by an inward sense of unselfishness and justice?

                    Perfect judgement is the result of a brilliant mind free from selfish interests. Think of
                    yourself in the most difficult position acting with calm and efficient accuracy,
                    with your mind alert ready to act when an emergency arises.

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