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                    could become dangerous, and I am now 100% again. Thank you and God
                    bless you for what you are doing for mankind. E.W.”
                           These are just a few. I wish I had space to print many more. Those who

                    have written to me, I wish to thank you very much, the fact that you have taken
                    the trouble to write gives me great encouragement.

                                              NEW YEAR MESSAGE

                             (Time passes on, but “I AM” Ever-present and Timeless)

                           We measure time by the repeated cycle of each year and now we are in

                    the beginning of another cycle of time. Yet it is our measurement of time that
                    makes us look into the past and try to scan the future, while the only real thing
                    is the Ever-present.

                           For centuries we have been ordering our lives by devices for measuring
                    time. Clocks have been invented to regiment the hours. It is obvious that this
                    orderly regulation of human activities is a necessity, otherwise chaos would result

                    in our world.
                           But within each one there is that “Reality” that Creative Consciousness
                    that is not confined to space nor has It ever been regimented into the physical
                    order represented by the clock. This is that timeless Birthless and deathless

                    Spirit of God manifested in the flesh as the Christ of God. This then is the
                    Ever-present key to all our problems past and future yet few can comprehend
                    it. It Many fear the future because of the past failing to realize that the

                    “Ever-present” Creative Power of the Spirit of God is the only Creative Power
                    there is.
                           You have only to compare one hour of distress or worry to an hour
                    of pleasant relaxation and concentrated thought on the power of this indwelling

                    timeless Reality to realize Its Omniscience and Its Omnipotence.
                           You will have already discovered by human experience that your mind
                    is governed mostly by the clock and moves in the direction of things external

                    to the self. But the mind is also capable of functioning in God’s timeless time
                    which is Ever-present and which cannot be bound by clocks or cycles or any
                    other physical limitation.

                           It is common knowledge that a state of mind affects your health your
                    environment and conditions. If you are thus controlled by time your state of mind
                    is not conducive to a perfect state of the body, yet if you will give full

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