P. 108
Yes everyone is seeking happiness in one way or another. Yet most are
frustrating the way to happiness through their own foolish habits. Happiness is
not difficult to obtain when the Truth is known, and in this letter I wish to give
to those in search of happiness a way of life that will lead to this precious thing.
Now, when your mind is filled with impressions from the objective
world there can never be happiness. If your mind is filled with past wrongs
there can never be happiness. If you are continually taken up with the past and
the future there can never be happiness. If you are conforming to some ritual with
fear that you have violated the Law of this ritual you will never find happiness.
If you fear life or death you can never find true happiness.
But there is a way of Life that is happiness and I have found it, and that
is to live in the present always because there is no other time.
The great significance of this truth has not dawned upon most people,
they are always dwelling in the past and the future, with the result that the only
time there is, the present, is frustrated.
If your mind is filled with the wrongs of the past and fears for the future
you will readily see that your action now is limited and obscure. As action
is the only thing that counts in your life, and it can only be done in the present
and that present is every moment and every moment must be free from
I am not saying that all your experiences are valueless, they are of the
greatest value, and those which are of most value are always with you in the
present. Without experience you would be dormant, asleep in your limitation.
Yet experience without true discernment and continual adjustment in the present is
but a repetition of error.
If you rebel against the wrongs and rights of the past and struggle with your
emotions, the way to happiness is suffocated.
Your Real self which is Life, only lives in the present and is the only
Creative Power, and this is YOU.
And if you would understand Life you must seek the truth of Life away
from the narrowness of conformity, free from the dictates of religious authority,
however learned they may be. For Life is more important than any beliefs,
and to liberate Life you must liberate It from beliefs, authority, tradition, past
and future, birth and death. If you are bound by any of these things then you
can never know true happiness.