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world is no longer a prison house and Reality has ceased to be a stranger
as we become conscious of Its Presence.
Freedom and happiness come with the realisation of this Reality
through your own consciousness within to achieve perfection in the present for
there is no other time. Therefore happiness is living in the present giving
expression to the Absolute through the form He created for that purpose and
this is yourself. You will see then that action in the present becomes pure action
when past and future do not frustrate the Now.
If you can become conscious of this truth there is freedom and
freedom is the way to true happiness. But if you are still eating of the fruit
of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil you will never become fully
aware of the “one” Absolute Being that is Ever-present acting in you now.
Jesus said, “know ye not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me . . . and
it is the Father who ever remains in me is performing His own deeds.”
When this truth is known, all tension, all fears, all sense of right and
wrong, all hates, all jealousies, all things that frustrate your life in the present are
dissolved away. The finite must lose itself in the Infinite, then the illusion
of separation disappears. There is no separation between the manifestation
and the Life that created it, for Jesus said, “when you have seen me you have
seen the Father.” His message was “Wholeness.” You cannot separate a part
from the Whole. This separation only exists in your mind. It is this illusion
that frustrates true happiness.
If you feel yourself to be only a part and you are seeking to become
one with the Life that is behind all visible manifestation, and if this Life is
external to you there will be a continuous struggle until you have realized and
recognised It as the same Life within you, then and then only can you conquer
separation, thus the way is open to true happiness.
When this Infinite Life is realised there is no more separation, no more
sorrow, no more pain, no past, no future, no birth, no death, for the presence of
the Omnipresence is your only Reality. There is no longer any craving for “all
that is mine is thine.”
It matters little now what appears external to you. With this understanding
you will know what is behind all manifestation, for the material world is the
revelation of the Creative Power. When you understand the conditions around
you, you will no longer be afraid. The material world will no longer be mere
material but will represent the intelligent use of the Law of Creation within