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ourselves in our interest in others. The most practical instruction ever given
to mankind was in the words of the Master, “Love thy neighbour as thyself.”
Most human failures in life are caused by lack of interest in others. We
only have to study the cause of our troubles and we will find that as soon as we
can co-operate with our fellows on an equal basis our troubles begin to fade
away. No matter in what capacity you may be, begin to co-operate now. The
real person does not care about your standing as long as you are in earnest.
It is what you really are that counts.
If you feel depressed, get busy and see how you can please someone
else, make the other fellow’s face light up with pleasure and you will soon lose
your depression. There are hundreds of stories about people who have found
the way out of their own prison.
If you hem yourself in on all sides, then there is nothing more sure than
you are head-on for a collision with the walls you build around you. Rich
or poor it matters little who or what you are, there is no escape, you cannot
hide behind your false mental walls. Get rid of them and come out into the
sunshine and you will feel well.
Many who have studied Truth think that all may have to do is to sit down
and let the Truth do everything for them. This is but a form of escape from Life.
Life is active and we must be up and doing. You will find that the happiest time
of your life has been when you were up and doing, co-operating with Life.
Some say, “how can I make other people happy when I live such a
humdrum life myself?” I say it will not be a humdrum life if you take an
interest in your fellows around you. Have you ever talked to the liftman, the
messenger boy, the chap who brings you milk, what about the kids of the man
who works next to you, what about the flowers he grows?
If you keep on thinking about your fellows, there are a hundred and one
ways you could help. Have you a special rose that you want to keep all to
yourself? Well, one day give a slip to your neighbour and see how keen he
will be to grow it. If you have enjoyment out of something, share it, it will be
fun. It will do something to you, try it out and see.
If people can feel the perfume from your clothes they can also feel
the fragrance of your personality and this is the way to build it. It is the per-
sonality that sells, not salesmanship. Salesmanship is raw, cold, has no life.
I remember standing with the head of a huge organisation while the
sales-manager was lecturing to the school for salesmen. One of the men going
through the rigmarole made the most hideous mess of it even after repeated