P. 118

APRIL 1949

                    healing. The doctor as well as others are amazed at the result. Words cannot
                    express our gratitude for your help to us. God bless you.” J.D.L.
                           I wish I could print more of these letters but space does not permit. I want

                    to assure you that all your letters sent in are noted and a reply will be sent to you
                    in due course. In the meantime accept my grateful thanks for your many beautiful

                                                 AND FREEDOM*

                           The cause of our troubles in the world is that we are told what to think,
                    we become puppets expressing the ideas of those when we follow blindly. This
                    is perhaps not apparent to us at first, not till we awaken to the fact that we have

                    failed to do our own thinking, we have been mere sponges saturated with the
                    ideas of others.
                           What we need more than anything is to learn how to think for ourselves,

                    we will then free ourselves from the burden of race thought, propaganda and
                    dogma that stifle our true expression.
                           There is the age-long belief in sickness and limitation, we act as weaklings
                    ruled by wrong thinking and we perpetuate the error until we realize the truth about

                    ourselves made in “His” image and likeness.
                           Shakespeare put his finger on the truth when he wrote, “There is nothing
                    either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in

                    our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings.”
                           Some are continually struggling with the thoughts that enter the mind,
                    thoughts that are foreign to our true nature, and try to banish them without
                    result. What we must do is to observe and understand these wrong movements,

                    then we can deal with them. To deny these things or to struggle with them does
                    not get us out of the net into which we have fallen.
                           When we have become aware of these wrong movements, movements

                    such as antagonism, sickness, jealousy, envy, selfishness, egotism, stupidity etc.,
                    and understand them and correct the error, we do not dwell upon their defects
                    but think more upon what we can be.

                           The goal before us is the translation of our Divine nature into our daily living.
                    In this way only will we find true happiness and freedom.
                           The power of thought is not a new discovery and those who have advanced

                    above the average have used this discovery. They have become the unusual, the

                    *  See Notes on page 120               117
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