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                    extraordinary by means of their greater opportunities through the power to
                    think constructively.
                           It is sometimes not easy to develop the power to concentrate, yet by

                    doing so we develop the will to do. Some have found it difficult to get rid
                    of thoughts that interrupt the train of thought. The easiest way to overcome
                    this is to observe the thought and understand it and not to try to banish it or
                    struggle with it for this only frustrates true thinking. When you understand

                    these interlopers they no longer bother you.
                           Others are continually trying to banish thoughts from their minds because
                    they think they are evil. This is a great waste of time and energy for their thoughts are

                    not evil when understood, nor can they interfere with the true nature. These thoughts
                    are natural in their natural place and when dealt with and understood, the fear of
                    them is dissolved away for they have no power over the “Presence” (the true

                    nature), with this understanding you are freed from the illusion of fear of sin.
                           The Christ of God is the Spirit of God manifesting in the flesh, and this
                    is the power in man and the only power there is, for God is all-power, and there

                    cannot be any other power. That is why we are directed to take hold of the Tree
                    of Life and let go of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
                           The Tree of Life is within us and is the only Reality while the Tree
                    of Knowledge of Good and Evil is external to us, therefore relative, and has no

                    power at all except we give it power through our belief in it.
                           The sceptre of power is this consciousness of the Christ within and its
                    messenger is thought which is continually moulding our invisible world which

                    in turn produces our environment and conditions in the objective world about
                    us. The secret then is to discern your thinking and not allow it to attach itself to
                    false beliefs that lead us into the wilderness.
                           When dealing with “this” that is within, most people talk about It as if it

                    were separate from themselves consequently make It relative and imaginary.
                    Consequently It is useless. They lost the very thing they try to find by looking
                    without, only through self-realization can It he found.

                           The “I am” is the foundation of Eternal Life and power and we violate
                    the law of our being when we think or believe that there is a living originating
                    power outside the “I am.” When we realize that this is impossible we will see

                    that evil has no power over us. Therefore we cease to react to it, we no longer
                    eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (false belief) but cling to
                    the Tree of Life “I am the Life.”

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